The DECHEMA Prize 2020 is awarded to Prof. Dr. Doris Segets for her pioneering work on the development of a process engineering of ultrafine particles at the interface of colloid chemistry and nanotechnology.
The Virtual Talk in honour of the Doris Segets focusses on the production of nanoparticles on an industrial scale from the gas phase and the design of nano-materials for energy applications. In addition to the awardee's presentation of her work in this field, presentations from research and industry provide an overview on the role of nanoparticles in batteries and other energy storage or conversion devices.
Moderation: Prof. Dr. Kurt Wagemann, DECHEMA e.V., Frankfurt/M
Start: 15:00h / End: 16:45h
Venue: Fraunhofer-inHaus-Zentrum, Duisburg
15:00 Welcome
Dr. Andreas Förster, DECHEMA e.V., Frankfurt am Main/D
15:05 Laudatio
Prof. Dr. Christof Schulz, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg/D
15:15 Awarding Ceremony
Dr. Andreas Förster DECHEMA e.V., Frankfurt am Main/D
15:25 „Nanoparticle processing: Bridging the valley of death for energy applications“
Prof. Dr. Doris Segets, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg/D
15:50 „Scalable production of nanostructured materials: The gas-phase approach“
Prof. Dr. Ruud van Ommen, TU Delft/NL
16:15 „Silicon for lithium ion battery anodes: material design matters“
Dr. Julia Lyubina, Evonik Operations GmbH, Hanau/D
16:40 Closing remarks
Prof. Dr. Kurt Wagemann, DECHEMA e.V., Frankfurt/M
(As of 2 July 2021. Subject to alterations.)
The online participation in the awarding ceremony on this extraordinary afternoon is free of charge. It it streamed via Zoom.
The DECHEMA Prize is awarded in recognition of outstanding scientific achievements in DECHEMA’s sphere of interest which are of fundamental importance and serve as an impetus for innovative developments. Preference is given to the work of younger, early career scientists who, for instance, do not yet hold a permanent professorship or a comparable position in a research institution or industry.
More information: Programme
Image source: Lindner & Steffen, Nastätten