Manfred Baldauf


Dr. Manfred Baldauf
Siemens AG, Corporate Technology, Erlangen / Germany

"Power-to-X technologies and sector coupling are important for enabling
the transition towards a decarbonized economy."


Background - studied Chemistry at the University of Ulm & PhD in Electrochemistry at the
                     University of Ulm
Since 1996 - working for Siemens AG, Corporate Technology
1996 -2006 - Senior Research Scientist involved in R&D projects in the fields of PEM fuel cells,
                     plasma chemistry and combustion
2006-2012 - Project Manager: responsible for R&D projects in the areas catalytic combustion,
                    carbon capture, chemical and biological utilization of CO2, flue gas treatment and
                    simulation of industrial processes
2012-2017 - Head of Research Group „Environmental Technologies“ main activities of the
                    research group:
                    -thermal & electrochemical water treatment,
                   -mining & steel production processes,
                   -biomass gasification
Since 2017 - Head of Research Group „Electrochemistry“ main activities of the research group:
                    -CO2 electrolysis


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