Privacy policy / Note on data processing

In accordance with article 13 of the EU-GDPR, we inform you here about the way in which we collect, process and use your personal data. In particular, our focus is on the fair and transparent use of your data by DECHEMA e.V..

Who are we?

The DECHEMA e.V. is a non-profit scientific and technical association.

a)    Responsible controller as defined by EU-GDPR

DECHEMA Gesellschaft für Chemische Technik und Biotechnologie e.V.

Theodor-Heuss-Allee 25, D-60486 Frankfurt am Main

Phone:                                    +49 69 7564-0


VR-No.:                                  VR 5293 (Amtsgericht Frankfurt am Main)

Executive director:    Dr. Andreas Förster

b)    Data protection officer

Dr. Ulrich Westhaus, DECHEMA e.V.

Theodor-Heuss-Allee 25, D-60486 Frankfurt am Main

Phone:                                   +49 69 7564-229


Data processing

a)    What kind of personal data are processed?

  • Name, E-Mail address
  • Private address, company address, postal address
  • If you are a DECHEMA member: membership number and if applicable: bank account
  • Profile of interests, committee memberships
  • Attended congresses, events and committee meetings
  • Usage data (date of connection)

b)    Where does this data come from?

  • You yourself inform us about these data, when you register to use our services
  • If you are DECHEMA member: from your membership application
  • If you attend at one of our congresses, events or committee meetings
  • If you have registered for our newsletter
  • When you are using our services, pseudonymised usage data associated with IP addresses are generated

c)    What do we use this data for?

  • For the execution of the contractual relationship as for example booked congresses and billing of the services purchased.
  • To cancel your annual membership fee if you are a DECHEMA member and have authorized DECHEMA to do so by SEPA Direct Debit Mandate.
  • For information on events or publications of the DECHEMA Group which are thematically related to your profile of interest.
  • To ensure orderly operation and to optimize our services: We monitor the use of our services to ensure capacity utilization and IT security. This is done on the basis of IP addresses. We do not match IP addresses to your user account.

d)    What is the legal basis of the data processing?

Because you have a business relationship with us (current contract) we process your data based on article 6.1 a-c of the EU-GDPR:

  • Informed consent
  • Performance of a contract
  • Fulfillment of legal obligations

Furthermore we process your data based on article 6.1f of the EU-GDPR:

  • Legitimate interest to inform you about future events or publications of the DECHEMA Group which are thematically relevant to the services offered

e)    How long do we store your data?

For the storage duration of your data different time limits apply:

  • Data having fiscal relevance are usually stored for 10 years
  • Data with commercial law relevance are usually stored for 6 years
  • Conference history: as long as you maintain your account to use our services or at least 10 years
  • Usage data such as connection history (pseudonymized over IP address): 1 year

Do we carry out profiling?

If you have not created an interest profile within your account, we will try to determine your interest profile from the events you have attended. This is done by thematically categorizing the respective event and comparing it with your automatically created interest profile. You can help us a great deal by comparing the interest profile associated with your account with your personal areas of interest.

Do we pass your data to third parties?

Within the DECHEMA Group (DECHEMA e.V., DECHEMA Research Institute, DECHEMA Ausstellungs-GmbH) we use your data to inform you about services and products that fit your needs. We guarantee that we will always process your personal data in accordance with the provisions of the applicable data protection laws. You should be aware of the fact that you can object to the analysis or use of your personal data for these purposes at any time.

We are using a number of external service providers and also cloud service providers to help us to deliver our event and IT services. These are for example the Lombego Systems GmbH with the conference management system Converia or the Newsletter2Go GmbH with its newsletter tool of the same name. All of these service providers have been carefully selected by us and contractually committed to the careful observance of all relevant data protection regulations. At the same time, of course, we only pass on the minimum amount of data required to use these services.

If we perform an event together with an external organizer, we pass all relevant data to the external organizer in order to carry out the event. If you take part in an event from a series of events with –typically international - changing organizers, we will normally pass your contact data to the next organizer of this event series, unless you have objected to the disclosure of your data when registering for this event.

What other rights do I have?

a)    Rights of access, rectification, deletion and objection

As provided in Article 14-17 of the EU-GDPR we inform you about your rights of access, rectification, deletion and limitation of your processing data. You have the right to request from the controller access to and rectification or erasure of personal data or restriction of processing concerning the data subject or to object to processing as well as the right to data portability.

b)    Right of withdrawal

Your right to withdraw consent at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before the withdrawal.

c)    Right of appeal

Lodge a complaint with a competent supervisory authority is always possible.




Version: 5th of March 2018

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