

From the inventory of a cell by –omics to synthetic biology, from strain development to industrial biotechnological processes including downstream processing

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137 Results
  • DECHEMA Industrial Bioprocess Award - Call for nominations

    Young scientists who have made industrially profound contributions to biochemical engineering during their PhD thesis can apply until 15 January 2020

  • Entwicklung eines Prototyps eines praktikablen Multikriterien-Systems zur Evaluierung der Chemikalienproduktion

    KMUs aus z.B. den Bereichen der Agrar- / Forstwirtschaft und der chemischen Industrie, sollen über ein im Rahmen des Projekts zu entwickelndes Multikriterien-Systems Hilfestellung für Entwicklungs- und Investitionsentscheidungen erhalten. Auch Wissenschaftler sollen durch das Tool bei der Ausrichtung ihrer Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekte unterstützt werden können. Das in EvaChem zu entwickelnde Werkzeug soll sich von bestehenden Werkzeugen dadurch unterscheiden, dass es gegenüber bereits existierenden, komplexen Methoden - die meist nur durch Experten und mit einem hohen Aufwand durchgeführt werden können - leicht in der Praxis anwendbar ist aber gleichzeitig eine im Vergleich zu bekannten, vereinfachten Methoden deutlich höhere Aussagekraft besitzt.

  • Young Scientists Conference “Food Biotechnology” / DECHEMA Summer School 2019

    For more information please visit .

  • Recommendation for biological evaluation of bioreactor performance for microbial processes

    2. revised edition
    The Escherichia coli model process described in the recommendation also makes it possible to characterise the biological performance of a system. The standardised process aims to determine the performance of bioreactors, in particular single-use bioreactors, and to evaluate their suitability for microbial applications. Since microbial processes place high demands on the bioreactor system with regard to oxygen transfer, this is of particular importance; another important parameter is heat removal. The associated Excel tool offers the possibility of a standardised evaluation, so that a comparison across bioreactor systems is possible. Calculations, e.g. of the volumetric mass transfer coefficient, will be performed automatically after input of the raw data. Recommendation and Excel tool were developed by the "Single-Use Microbial" working group of DECHEMA's expert group "Single-Use Technology in Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing".

  • Himmelfahrtstagung 2019: Intensification and digitalisation for integral bioprocessing

    The online-registration is closed. Please register on-site! Optimizing individual steps of the production chain not necessarily leads to the...

  • AchemAsia opens in Shanghai

    With 330 exhibitors from 16 countries and regions, the 11th AchemAsia in Shanghai opened its doors today.

  • PRAXISforum Big Data Analytics in Process Industry

      What the PRAXISforum is about By industry, for industry - PRAXISforum reveals market opportunities and promotes development in the...

  • AchemAsia 2019: Setting new standards

    AchemAsia 2019 is setting new standards. Three months before the opening of the event on 21 May 2019 in Shanghai, the booked exhibition space already exceeds the final count of the 2016 event.

  • Gene Therapy - Ready for the Market?

    Manufacturing, vectors, applications & regulatory aspects

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