"GeCatS Infoday" Catalysis and chemical engineering as enabling elements for circular economy

Information for poster authors

Preparation of Poster

As a major guideline it is proposed to make the poster intelligible in itself, even in the absence of the author. It is suggested to divide the contents of each poster into introductionresults and conclusions, with a summary listing the pertinent results and conclusions.

Standard size for posters is 0.85 x 1.2 m (DIN A0-German Standard) vertically oriented. Therefore, please find the following specifications:

  • the minimum size should be 20 cm for graphs;
  • 3 cm for the paper’s title and the names/adresses of the authors in the heading lable;
  • 1,5 cm for sections headings such as introduction, results, labelling of figures and tables;
  • 0,8 cm characters in height for further text
  • Line spacing: 1,1 cm at minimum; 10 of such lines correspond to one figure.
  • Please use colours, symbols and schemes for improved clarity.
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