
Press release ¤ Information de presse

Jun 01, 2015

Call for nominations of outstanding catalysis researchers for the Otto Roelen Medal 2016

In 2016, the 11th Otto Roelen Medal will be awarded for an outstanding achievement in catalysis research. DECHEMA and the German Catalysis Society (GeCatS) invite researchers and scientists to propose international candidates who have made significant contributions in this field, especially with regard to application-oriented research. The Otto Roelen Medal is endowed with 5,000 Euro and sponsored by the Oxea Group. Nominations will be evaluated by the Expert Committee of the Otto Roelen Medal. The prize will be awarded in a public ceremony at the Annual Meeting of German Catalysis Researchers in March 2016 in Weimar/Germany.

Proposals for nominations should be submitted to Dr. Dana Demtröder at DECHEMA e.V., Theodor-Heuss-Allee 25, 60486 Frankfurt, preferably per email before September 15th, 2015. Proposals should be accompanied by a detailed justification, the candidate’s CV and a list of publications and patents as well as exemplary publications in recognized scientific journals. Self-nominations are not accepted.

The Otto Roelen Medal was initiated in 1997 by Hoechst AG and is named after the discoverer of hydroformulation. Originally limited to the field of homogeneous catalysis, the prize is now open to international researchers in the whole field of catalysis. Former award-winners include Prof. Dr. Matthias Beller, Institut für Organische Katalyseforschung (1997), Prof. Dr. Kay Severin, ETH Lausanne/CH (2005), Prof. Dr. Michael Buchmeiser, Universität Stuttgart (2010), Prof. Dr. Javier Pérez-Ramírez, ETH Zürich/CH (2012) and Prof. Dr. Harald Gröger, University of Bielefeld (2014). A complete list is available on



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