Microfluidics for Systems Biology and Bioprocess Development

21 February 2013
DECHEMA-Haus, Frankfurt am Main

In the recent decade the steadily extending toolbox of Systems Biology led to an in depth understanding of intracellular biochemical networks in vivo. Bioprocess development, in particular, took great advantage from these new methods and our viewpoint of industrial production organisms has changed from a mere black box approach to highly structured models of the intracellular processes.

However, most of the Systems Biology tools still analyze cells at the population level. Little is known on the single cell level. More knowledge on population heterogeneity, stochastic gene expression, or extracellular fluctuations is urgently needed. Particularly, in industrial production processes, many effects might be wrongly interpreted at the averaged cell level.

Microfluidics and single cell analysis aim at exactly these problems.

The rapidly developing field opens new horizons for Systems Biology and bioprocess development. The workshop, organised by DECHEMA Working Group Systems and Synthetic Biology, will survey the present state, show which tools are available today and show first results.


Lecture Programme

Thursday, 21 February 2013

09:30 Registration

10:30 Opening
           W. Wiechert, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH/D

10:35 Keynote Lecture I
           Stochastic signal encoding strategies in single cells
           J. Locke, University of Cambridge/UK

 11:15 Coffee break

 11:35 Keynote Lecture II
            Large-scale single cell analysis
            S. Maerkl, EPFL, Lausanne/CH

12:15 FluidFM: a novel nanofluidics instrument for single cell applications
           J. Vorholt, ETH Zurich/CH

12:40 Lunch break

13:40 Keynote Lecture III
           From single chromosomes to single cells in confined space
           S. Jun, University of California, San Diego, CA/USA

14:20 Microbial single cell analysis of production strains in microfabricated habitats
           D. Kohlheyer, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH/D

14:45 Microbial single cell analysis under controlled cultivation conditions
            A. Schmid, TU Dortmund/D

 15:10 Coffee break

 15:30 Culture heterogeneity during biochnological production processes
             D. Jahn, TU Braunschweig/D

 15:55 Microfluidics for the analysis of mitochondria of mammalian cells
            under physiological conditions

            A. Zeng, TU Hamburg-Harburg/D

16:20 Keynote Lecture IV
           Microfluidic large scale integration for biomolecular interaction studies
           M. Meier, University of Freiburg/D

17:00 Closing remarks
            W. Weber, University of Freiburg/D

17:15 Mitgliederversammlung der DECHEMA-Fachgruppe Systembiologie und Synthetische
          (General assembly of the DECHEMA Working Group Systems and Synthetic Biology)



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