
Press release ¤ Information de presse

Jan 11, 2021

Call for Applications for the Innovation Challenge in Sustainable Chemistry and Renewable Energies

The application period for the ISC3 Innovation Challenge in Sustainable Chemistry and Renewable Energies has just started. Contest applications  will be accepted until March 31, 2021. The winner of the Innovation Challenge 2020/2021 will be awarded a monetary prize of 15,000 EUR.

The Innovation Challenge 2020/2021 organized by the International Sustainable Chemistry Collaborative Centre (ISC3) addresses innovators from around the world who are active in developing sustainable chemistry solutions linked to renewable energies, such as:

  • Sustainable chemistry solutions for renewable energy supply and greenhouse gas reduction
  • Performance of materials and technologies
  • Chemical production technologies based on carbon neutral energy and CO2 feedstock supply
  • Durability and resilience
  • Renewable energy sources as feedstock supply in chemical transformations
  • Storage capacity building

Proposals submitted by innovators and entrepreneurs from developing countries and proposals that are tackling challenges in developing countries are particularly encouraged, as are proposals coming from female entrepreneurs.

After the proposal evaluation period (June 1 – July 9, 2021), five finalists will be officially announced after July 15, 2021. They will receive access to ISC3 Global Start-up Service’s customized support, as well as pitch training, networking possibilities and visibility via the ISC3 communication channels. The winners of the Innovation Challenge 2020/2021 will be awarded in the frame of the November-held Investor Forum 2021. In addition to the main prize of 15.000 EUR, the winners of two further categories, namely “Best Social Impact” and “Best Regional Impact”, will receive monetary prizes of 5.000 EUR each. All three winners will also gain digital award credentials for their accomplishments within the challenge.

The ISC3 Innovation Challenge aims to engage, award and promote sustainable chemistry innovators and their original solutions, since the transformation of the chemical sector plays a crucial role towards achieving most of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The ISC3 Innovation Challenge is held annually. Thematically it is leaning on an annually selected focus topic. The first ISC3 Innovation Challenge 2019/20 called for innovations in the field of Sustainable Living and Building. The second ISC3 Innovation Challenge 2020/2021 is dedicated to innovative Sustainable Chemistry and Renewable Energy solutions.

Submission of applications

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