
Press release ¤ Information de presse

Sep 19, 2022

Call for nominations for Richard Willstätter Prize for Chemical Biology

The Richard Willstätter Prize for Chemical Biology honors outstanding long-time achievements of an established scientist, whose interdisciplinary work decisively contributed to a deeper understanding of chemical-biological processes. It comprises a certificate, the invitation to a plenary lecture and a sum of EUR 6,000. The prize will be awarded during the Advances in Chemical Biology conference in January 2023 in Frankfurt/M., Germany.

Please submit your nomination or application by 20 November 2022 via

Outstanding contributions and personal commitment to the field, e.g. the design of curricula and courses, widely used text books and media, promotion of young scientists, service on advisory boards and committees in Germany, and editorial services for scientific journals, are further indicators. The prize can also be awarded for technical developments, i.e. devices, methods, and processes, essential to obtain fundamental knowledge.

The Richard Willstätter Prize for Chemical Biology was founded by the DECHEMA Society for Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPhG), the Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (GBM), and the German Chemical Society (GDCh) which equally contribute to the prize money. The jury consists of the board members of the Joint Working Group Chemical Biology of DECHEMA, DPhG, GBM and GDCh.


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