

LURCHplus networking and transfer project for the funding measure LURCH - "Sustainable Groundwater Management"


December 2022

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Water is life and the key to sustainable development. However, water resources are coming under increasing pressure worldwide due to climate change, overuse and pollution. Water scarcity and deterioration of water quality are the result. In order to improve the understanding of systems to achieve a good qualitative and quantitative status of groundwater, the avoidance of conflicts of use and the consideration of environmental concerns, social and economic aspects, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has launched the funding measure "Sustainable Groundwater Management" (LURCH), consisting of 10 collaborative projects. The projects were launched in March 2023. The networking and transfer project of the funding measure "Sustainable Groundwater Management" (LURCH) is managed by DECHEMA e.V. and is a central contact point for all stakeholders of the funding measures. In its function, the project helps to provide technical support for the collaborative projects of the funding measures, to network across topics (internally and externally) and to support the transfer of results into practice (nationally - European - internationally).

Sarah Fieger - 573

Dr. Thomas Track - 427

Dr. Christina Jungfer - 354

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