

Intensified by Design® for the intensification of processes involving solids handling

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The Intensified-by-Design (IbD) Project will create a holistic platform for facilitating process intensification design and optimization in processes in which solids are an intrinsic part. The project will develop and upgrade methods for the handling of solids in continuous production units based, on the one hand, in the intensification of currently existing processes and, on the other hand, through completely new approaches to the processing of solids. IbD will be the new paradigm in the intensification of processes based on statistical, analytical and risk management methodologies in the design, development and manufacturing of high quality safe and tailored chemicals, pharmaceuticals, minerals, ceramics, etc. under intensified processes.

IbD will make a landmark advance in bridging the technological and knowledge gaps in the area of Process Intensification (PI) in processes involving solids. It will create a comprehensive devices- and processes design-platform for the industrial realisation of Process Intensification involving solids handling. It will bring to the industry an ergonomic, flexible, scalable IbD platform that performs fast reiterations of processes and device designs.

No comprehensive software is currently available for assisting the process engineers to design solutions based on Process Intensification. Therefore, the IbD Platform will be a disruptive tool for widely fostering PI beyond the scope of the IbD Project. The Platform will have a built-in TRIZ module to assist the practitioners to ideate innovative solutions which have not been created yet.

Alexis Bazzanella -343

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