Improvement of energy efficiency in industrial water circuits using gamification for online self-assessment, benchmarking and economic decision support
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The main objective of the WaterWatt project is to increase energy efficiency in industrial water circuits. Six partners from five European countries have joined forces in this project which is coordinated by DECHEMA e.V. and funded by EASME. The improvement of energy efficiency in industrial water circuits will be achieved through measures aimed at the removal of market barriers, namely the lack of expertise and information on energy management and saving potentials in industrial water circuits. These include:
- case studies in relevant industries
- development of improvement measures for energy efficiency in industrial water circuits
- market studies
- capacity building activities
- dissemination in workshops and by e-learning
A platform will be developed to disseminate knowledge/know-how on energy efficiency improvements using a gamification approach.
WaterWatt started on 1 April 2016 and runs until 31 March 2019.
Jochen Michels -157
Thomas Track -427
Nicole Heine - 145
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