

Press release ¤ Information de presse

May 14, 2018

Inaugural DECHEMA Industrial Bioprozess Award for Cees Haringa

The DECHEMA Industrial Bioprocess Award 2018 goes to Cees Haringa, TU Delft, in recognition of his PhD thesis “Through the organism’s eyes - The interaction between hydrodynamics and metabolic dynamics in industrial-scale fermentation processes”. The ceremony took place at the annual “Himmelfahrtstagung”, the most important event in Germany for the bioprocessing community, on 08 May 2018 in Magdeburg.

The prize which has been awarded for the first time by the DECHEMA working group “Biochemical Engineering” aims to support young scientists whose work has a high relevance for industrial applicability and is of superior scientific quality. The award comes with €5,000 prize money and is being sponsored by the industrial members of the DECHEMA working party.

Cees Haringa studied Molecular Science and Technology at the TU Delft. After his Master in Chemical Engineering, he finished his PhD in 2017 in the Transport Phenomena group at TU Delft.


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