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Company recognition (roll-up provided by the sponsor) at the conference dinner and company logo on the conference dinner menu cards.
Display of a company information flyer at the registration desk
Company recognition (roll-up provided by the sponsor) in the lecture hall or its foyer at DECHEMA-Haus at the Welcome Reception and during the conference.
Logo projected at the speakers’ podium in the conference hall before and after lecture sessions and during poster session (slide show with assignment of all gold, silver, and bronze sponsors).
1/1 page advert on the inside front cover or back cover (inside or outside) of the book of abstracts (colour, size A5, on 'first come - first served' basis)
Logo recognition on the conference website with link and in the book of abstracts
Silver Sponsorship 3,000 €
Company recognition (roll-up provided by the sponsor) in the lecture hall or its foyer at DECHEMA-Haus at the Welcome Reception and during the conference.
Logo projected at the speakers’ podium in the conference hall before and after lecture sessions and during poster session (slide show with assignment of all gold, silver, and bronze sponsors).
Logo recognition on the conference website with link and in the book of abstracts
Advertisement 1/1 inside page in the book of abstracts (black/white, size A5)
Bronze Sponsorship 1,500 €
Logo projected at the speakers’ podium in the conference hall before and after lecture sessions and during poster session (slide show with assignment of all gold, silver, and bronze sponsors).
Logo recognition on the conference website with link and in the book of abstracts
Advertisement 1/1 inside page in the book of abstracts (black/white, size A5)