
NaWuReT-Grant „Grant for research stay in reaction engineering 2025“

Exchange and cooperation are important elements of scientific work and a central element of knowledge transfer and scientific discussion. International cooperation in particular is becoming increasingly important. Scientists in the early career stage can promote their career by create lasting connections with partners around the globe.

Program and aim

The Early Career Scientists in Chemical Reaction Engineering (NaWuReT) of the DECHEMA/VDI subject division Reaction Engineering are inviting applications of Doctoral candidates (PhD-students) for funding for a research stay abroad. It is intended to strengthen personal contact in the international research landscape and intercultural competence. Funding will be provided for a project that profitably facilitates a collaborative exchange of knowledge in reaction engineering. The call is aimed at both theoretical work and collaborations in experimental research. Particularly, contacts outside existing collaborations are welcome. In the past virtual research stays, it has been useful to document activities using digital reporting tools to share the progress of the work with the community. This will be maintained for future research stays in presence. Additionally, the applicant will present the findings from the research stay at the Annual Meeting on Reaction Engineering. The duration of the project should be between two and three months and should start between the 01.04.2025 and 01.12.2025.


One project is granted with 2000€. The grant can be used to supplement existing funding.

Application procedure and deadlines

Submission of electronic application documents (description of the project incl. commitment of the cooperation partner on max. 3 DIN A4 pages and CV) by 28th of February at the latest.

Hand-in your application as E-mail:

Evaluation criteria include:

  • Field of work in reaction engineering
  • Scientific quality of the project
  • Format of the digital reporting tool


Co-Speaker NaWuReT

Dr.-Ing. Jens Friedland

Institute of Chemical Engineering

Ulm University

Albert-Einstein-Allee 11

89081 Ulm

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