
37th Irsee Natural Product Symposium

19 - 21 February 2025
Kloster Irsee/Germany

Biologically active natural products are of great importance for both basic research and for research and development in the pharmaceutical and agrochemical industries. The annual symposium, established for over three decades, provides valuable insights into current developments and serves as a key event for interdisciplinary exchange of experience.

The Irsee Natural Product Symposium is organized by the DECHEMA Working Group "Small Molecule Natural Products with Biological Activity".

Special emphasis is placed on the promotion of young scientists. During the young researcher sessions and poster presentations, participants will have the opportunity to present their research as well as to network and establish important connections within the natural products community. 

The core topics of the following Irsee Natural Product Symposium 2025 are

  • Syntheses
  • Applied NP research
  • Biosynthesis & Chemo-enzymatic approaches

Further we are looking forward for an evening lecture of Prof. Dr. Alois Fürstner, Director Organometallic Chemistry of Max-Planck-Institut. The pdf programmis now available.

Conference Programme and Poster list

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Image source: Kloster Irsee Schwäbisches Tagungs-, Bildungs - und Kulturzentrum Kloster Irsee



Silke Rumpf-Kwasniok
Telefon: +49 (0)69 7564-280

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