DECHEMA-Fachgruppe Niedermolekulare Naturstoffe mit biologischer Aktivität
The Irsee Natural Product Symposium is organised by the DECHEMA Working Group "Small Molecule Natural Products with Biological Activity":
Joachim Dickhaut
BASF Ludwigshafen/D |
Elke Dittmann |
Universität Potsdam/D |
Karl Gademann |
Universität Zürich/CH |
Tanja Gaich |
Universität Konstanz/D |
Jens Glaeser |
Evotec, Göttingen/D |
Tobias Gulder -CONFERENCE CHAIR- |
Universität Saarland/D |
Ingo Hartung |
Merck KGaA, Darmstadt/D |
Christian Hertweck |
HKI/FSU Jena/D |
Andreas Kirschning |
Universität Hannover/D |
Lutz Müller-Kuhrt |
Analyticon Discovery, Potsdam/D |
Dietrich Ober |
Universität Kiel/D |
Till Opatz |
Universität Mainz/D |
Jörn Piel |
ETH Zürich/CH |
Roderich Süssmuth |
TU Berlin/D |
Nicole Teusch |
Universität Düsseldorf/D |
Information on the DECHEMA Working Group:
Advances in pharmaceutical therapeutics and environmentally friendly plant protection are difficult to imagine without the development of active compounds based on natural products. Low-molecular-weight natural products exhibit structural diversity far beyond what can be achieved through chemical synthesis. However, only a small portion of this "pool" of natural substances has been explored for practical applications. A key objective of the division's work is to identify new research trends and provide policy-level recommendations for funding, as well as to initiate relevant research initiatives. Another important goal is to support young scientists, particularly by integrating them into the dialogue between academia and industry. In an interdisciplinary environment involving biologists, chemists, medical professionals, and pharmacists, the interaction between scientists from both industry and academia is promoted, fostering the creation of collaborative and cross-disciplinary projects.
The division's most prominent and publicly visible activity is the annual "Irseer Naturstofftage," held every February for over 30 years. During this event, the Doctoral and Young Scientist Awards for Natural Product Research are also presented.
For further information please visit Fachsektion Bioinformatik und molekulare Methoden