3D Cell Culture 2016: How close to 'in vivo' can we get? Models, applications & translation

Lecture Programme

Tuesday, 19 April 2016
Wednesday, 20 April, 2016
Thursday, 21 April 2016

Tuesday, 19 April 2016



11:00 Welcome Address
Imaging organotypic model systems

Chair: U. Marx, Technical University of Berlin/D

11:05 Keynote Lecture

Three dimensional imaging in living human lung tissue

S. Hippenstiel, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin/D


Development of a 3D Human organotypic lung tumor model with 18F-FDG PET as a non-destructive read-out

D. Fecher¹; T. Schwarz²; S. Nietzer¹; G. Dandekar²; H. Walles¹; K. Lückerath³;
M. Steinke²

¹ University Hospital Würzburg, Translational Center Würzburg and Fraunhofer IGB, Würzburg/D; ² Translational Center Würzburg, Fraunhofer IGB and University Hospital Würzburg/D; ³ University Hospital Würzburg/D

12:10 3D culture models of vasculogenesis and sprouting angiogenesis for automated analysis in multiwell plates
l. Muller¹
¹ CIRB - INSERM, Paris/F
12:30 Lunch / Poster / Exhibition
Advanced bioprinting for complex tissue models

Chair: U. Graf-Hausner, Zurich University of Applied Science, Wädenswil/CH


Keynote Lecture

High resolution bioprinting to deal with tissue complexity

F. Guillemot, Poietis, Pessac/F


Bioprinted tissues for substance testing

M. Rimann¹; S. Laternser¹; E. Bono¹; M. Nosswitz¹; H. Keller²; O. Leupin²;
C. Wagner³; U. Graf-Hausner¹

¹ Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Waedenswil/CH; ² Novartis Institutes of Biomedical Research, Basel/CH; ³ University of Zurich/CH


Universal lab-on-a-chip platform for complex, perfused 3D tissues generated by 3D printing

F. Sonntag¹; J. Ströbel¹; S. Grünzner¹; M. Busek¹; U. Klotzbach¹; F. Schmieder¹

¹ Fraunhofer Institute of Material and Beam Technology IWS, Dresden/D


Immediate drop on demand technology – generating 3D-Cell Culture Models

L. Schober¹; C. Laske¹; I. Schuster²; T. Brode¹; A. Traube¹; A. Traube¹

¹ Fraunhofer IPA, Stuttgart/D; ² University of Stuttgart/D


Coffee Break

Strategies for high-throughput screening and analysis

Chair: J. Kelm, InSphero AG, Schlieren/CH


Phenotypic screening of autophagy modulating drugs in a three dimensional human brain cancer model by light sheet-based fluorescence microscopy: A new perspective in drug discovery

N. Ansari¹; F. Pampaloni¹; K. Kabat vel Job¹; E. H.K. Stelzer¹

¹ Goethe University Frankfurt/D


High throughput screenings of live cells in 2D and 3D environments based on superhydrophilic-superhydrophobic surface patterning

P. Levkin¹; A. Popova²; I. Neto²; K. Demir²

¹ Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen/D; ² Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe/D


High-throughput microfluidic platform for culture of 3D kidney tissue models

H. Lanz¹; M. Vormann¹; A. van den Heuvel¹; K. Wilschut¹; C. Ping¹; R. van Vught¹;
S. Trietsch¹; J. Joore¹; P. Vulto¹

¹ Mimetas, Leiden/NL


Keynote Lecture

Comprehensive molecular profiling of organoids and patient tissue in the context of toxicogenomics

R. Schlapbach, ETH Zurich/CH

18:00 End of Lecture Programme of Day 1
Section Member Assembly

DECHEMA Sections " Cell Culture Technology" and "Medical Biotechnology"



Poster Session / Poster Party

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Understanding cancer development and progression

Chair: C. Burger, Merck KGaA, Darmstadt/D

09:00 Keynote Lecture

Modelling Wnt signalling in 3D culture

T. Dale, Cardiff University/UK


A novel culture strategy to model tumour microenvironment dynamics and study tumour-stroma interactions and disease progression

M. Estrada¹; S. Rebelo¹; V. Santo¹; S. Abreu¹; E. Davies²; M. Pinto³; H. Pereira⁴;
M. Smalley2; S. Barry5; E. Gualda⁴; P. Alves¹; E. Anderson6; C. Brito¹

¹ iBET/ITQBAX-UNL, Oeiras/P; ² Bioscience, Oncology iMed, AstraZeneca, Chesire/UK; ³ Institute of Molecular Pathology and Immunology, Porto/P; ⁴ Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Oeiras/P; 5 European Cancer Stem Cell Institute, Cardiff/UK; 6 Boehringer Ingelheim, Vienna/A

10:05 Establishment of a standardized 3D in vitro tumor-stroma model

M. Mueller¹; S. Hensler¹; B. Kotkamp¹; K. Pohl²; N. Linde³; D. Stoll⁴

¹ Hochschule Furtwangen, Villingen-Schwenningen/D; ² NMI Reutlingen/D; ³ Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York/USA; ⁴ Hochschule Albstadt-Sigmaringen/D

10:25 Coffee Break
Advanced models for substance testing: cancer therapy

Chair: T. Noll, University of Bielefeld/D

11:00 The Spheroid microtumor model is predictive for the therapeutic response in neoadjuvant breast cancer (SpheroNEO study)

K. Halfter¹; N. Ditsch²; B. Mayer³

¹ SpheroTec GmbH, Munich/D; ² Frauenklinik, Klinikum Großhadern, Munich/D;
³ Klinikum Großhadern, Munich/D

11:20 Multi-parametric 3D tumor microtissue-based phenotypic compound classification

J. Kelm¹; Z. Weydert¹; M. Lal²; L. Mathews Griner²; C. Schmees³; B. Gierke³;
M. Pawlak³; H. Cordes⁴; C. Thiel⁴; M. Ferrer²

¹ Insphero AG, Schlieren/CH; ² NCATS/NIH, Rockville/USA; ³ NMI Technologietransfer GmbH, Reutlingen/D; ⁴ RWTH Aachen University/D


Conditionally immortalized human endothelial cells for the investigation of KSHV latency and intervention in novel in vitro and in vivo models

T. Dubich¹; C. Lipps¹; M. Butueva¹; T. May²; D. Wirth¹

¹ Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Braunschweig/D; ² InSCREENeX GmbH, Braunschweig/D


Lunch / Poster / Exhibition

From the potential of organoids to multi-organ platforms

Chair: T. May, InSCREENeX GmbH, Braunschweig/D


Keynote Lecture

Organoids: An in vitro culture for all patients

R. Vries, foundation Hubrecht Organoid Technology, Utrecht/NL


Emulating the human vasculature in a multi-organ-chip platform

T. Hasenberg¹; K. Schimek²; S. Mühleder³; A. Dotzler¹; S. Bauer²; K. Labuda3;
W. Holnthoner3; H. Redl3; R. Lauster²; U. Marx¹

¹ TissUse GmbH, Berlin/D; ² Technische Universität Berlin/D; ³ Austrian Cluster for Tissue Regeneration, Vienna/A


Adding metabolic competence to 3D spheroid-based assays by using a microfluidic multi-tissue culturing platform

O. Frey¹; J. Kim¹; A. Hierlemann¹; D. Fluri²; J. Kelm²; T. Petreus³; E. Tang³;
R. Marchan⁴; J. Hengstler⁴

¹ ETH Zürich, Basel/CH; ² InSphero, Schlieren/CH; ³ AstraZeneca, Cheshire/UK;
⁴ IfaDo, Dortmund/D


Coffee Break

Assays and devices

Chair: M. Rimann, Zurich University of Applied Science,



Immortalized lung epithelial cells with in vivo like characteristics

T. May¹; T. Herfurth¹; R. Schucht¹

¹ InSCREENeX GmbH, Braunschweig/D


Designing assays and appropriate controls to interrogate 3D culture models

T. Riss¹

¹ Promega Corporation, Madison/USA


The Nunclon Sphera surface supports formation of three dimensional cancer spheroids in suspension

P. Reuter¹; C. Neeley²; L. Gaarn²

¹ Thermo Fisher Scientific, Langenselbold/D; ² Thermo Fisher Scientific, Rochester/USA

Advanced model systems: brain

Chair: M. Rimann, Zurich University of Applied Science,



Keynote Lecture

Modelling human neuronal maturation in 3D

I. Galimberti, Novartis Pharma AG, Basel/CH

17:45 End of lecture programme of Day 2
19:00 Conference Dinner, Historisches Kaufhaus

Thursday, 21 April 2016

Advanced model systems: from heart to brain

Chair: H. Hauser, Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Braunschweig/D

09:00 Keynote Lecture

Engineered human myocardium for drug screening applications

W.-H. Zimmermann, University Medical Center Göttingen/D


Intestinal organoids for functional studies on nutrient transport, sensing and incretin hormone secretion

T. Zietek¹; E. Rath¹; D. Haller¹; H. Daniel¹

¹ Technische Universität München, Freising/D


A 3D human co-culture microtissue model for nanoparticle effect and uptake studies at the placental barrier

C. Muoth¹; L. Diener¹; W. Jochum²; P. Wick¹; T. Buerki-Thurnherr¹

¹ Empa, St. Gallen/CH; ² Cantonal Hospital, St. Gallen/CH


Differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells into definitive endoderm cells in a flexible three-dimensional cell culturing matrix

R. Harjumäki¹; A. Taalas¹; L. Kanninen¹; J. Niklander¹; M. Yliperttula¹; Y. Lou¹

¹ University of Helsinki, Helsinki/FIN


Human pluripotent stem cell-based in vitro neural tissues and disease models for the chemical and pharmaceutical industry

M. Baquie¹; E. Eggermann²; A. Roux²; G. Fischler²; Z. Nayernia³; E. Cosset³;
K. Krause³; L. Stoppini²

¹ NEURIX, Plan-les-Ouates/CH; ² HEPIA University of Applied Sciences, Geneva/CH; ³ University and Hospitals of Geneva/CH


Coffee Break

Advanced model systems: skin in vitro

Chair: H. Hauser, Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Braunschweig/D

11:35 Keynote Lecture

Cosmetic substance testing – from static single skin cultures towards dynamic co-culture with human immunity or liver equivalents

J. Kühnl, Beiersdorf AG, Hamburg/D


Functionalized electrospun nanofibers for the development of a three-dimensional skin model

A. Rossi¹; J. Groll1; H. Walles2

¹ University Hospital Würzburg/D;2 University Hospital Würzburg and Fraunhofer IGB, Würzburg/D

12:30 Impedance Spectroscopy: A new tool to characterize reconstructed human epidermis

F. Groeber¹, L. Engelhardt2; H. Walles3; J. Hansmann3

¹ Fraunhofer IGB, Würzburg/D; 2 University of Würzburg/D; 3 University of Würzburg and Fraunhofer IGB, Würzburg/D

12:50 Lunch / Poster / Exhibition
Advanced model systems: osteoarthritis and bone repair

Chair: R. Pörtner, Hamburg University of Technology/D


Porcine chondrocyte micromasses – a model for osteoarthritis?

T. Dehne¹; N. Schlichting¹; K. Mans¹; M. Endres²; B. Stuhlmüller¹; C. Kaps²;
M. Sittinger¹; J. Ringe¹

¹ Charite Universitätsmedizin Berlin/D; ² TransTissue Technologies, Berlin/D


Evaluation of structure parameters for development of patient-matched 3D porous titanium bone implants

L. Zumofen1; K. Kopanska2; A. Kirchheim1; E. de Haller3; U. Graf-Hausner2

1 Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Winterthur/CH; 2 Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Wädenswil/CH; 3 -, -


Chondrogenic microtissues in the lab & for the clinic

M. Lehmann¹; F. Voss¹; F. Martin¹; P. Schläger¹; U. Anderer¹

¹ Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg, Senftenberg/D


Closing remarks

15:00 End of the conference








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