
Green Solvents for Synthesis

8. - 10. Oktober 2012
Boppard, Germany

Advanced Concepts for Solution Phase Chemistry and Processes


"Green Solvents - Advanced Concepts for Solution Phase Chemistry and Processes" is the 2012 event of the biennial conference series "Green Solvents" that has been established in the last decade as an important international forum for the scientific exchange on concepts for the substitution of potentially hazardous volatile organic compounds in solution phase synthesis.

This year's scientific programme features keynote lectures by renowned experts in the field and submitted oral presentations focusing on energy-efficient processes, selectivity control for waste prevention, alternative and efficient use of raw materials, activation and capture of CO2 and integrated reaction and separation processes. An additional highlight is the poster session which will give you the opportunity for gripping discussions on cutting-edge research results.

The conference will take place in picturesque town of Boppard in the UNESCO world heritage Rhine valley. The social programme includes a dinner at a medieval castle which are characteristic for the region.

 We look forward to welcoming you to an exciting meeting!

The Organising Committee

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