
Hybrid DECHEMA-Colloquium: Forced periodic operation

4. November 2020

Max-Planck-Institut, Magdeburg

Continuously operated chemical reactions are not always at their best when in steady state; in fact, some benefit remarkably from forced periodic operation. At this DECHEMA Kolloquium, experts from academia and industry showcase the promising concept of forced periodic operation of reaction and separation processes and discuss how it can be further exploited.

Most continuously carried out reaction and separation processes are operated under steady state conditions. This is due to robustness and simplicity of operation. But, due to process nonlinearity, the average performance in a periodic process can exceed that of the optimal steady-state operation. However, the decision when to aim for what is not easy. Investing in higher process complexity without the possibility to predict whether the outcome will be worth the additional effort has hampered the implementation of this concept in reaction engineering. Recently, remarkable progress has been achieved in the development of straightforward and simple to apply prediction methods based on applying the concept of nonlinear frequency analysis.
Recently, equipment and control systems for periodic processes have also become more widely available. Furthermore, numerous processes that can only work in a periodic regime are nowadays applied successfully in industry. An example are separation processes exploiting adsorption principles.




The colloquium is free of charge.

Please notice, the number of participants onsite in Magdeburg is limited.

Due to the Corona-pandemic we can only allow MPI employees to enter the lecture hall, all the other attendees must join virtually. Thank you for your kind understanding.


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