Enzymes for Industrial Applications



The Vereinigung Deutscher Biotechnologie-Unternehmen (Association of German Biotechnology Companies) is a union of companies and institutions involved in biotechnology and related sectors. Our members come from the fields of biotechnology, pharmaceutical technology, bioinformatics, diagnostics, medical devices and laboratory technology. VBU is a platform for cooperation, communication and information.

Founded in 1996, VBU was the first organisation for biotechnology companies in Germany and is integrated in the Biotechnology Section of DECHEMA. VBU members are automatically members of DECHEMA.

What we do

VBU is a catalyst for the transfer of research results into competitive products and services. VBU represents a cross-sectoral network, assisting its members in seeking and finding cooperation partners in all areas of the life sciences both on a national and an international scale.

VBU brings people together, at numerous events on hot topics and by the web-based Life Sciences database G2C - Gate to Cooperation. G2C provides a wealth of opportunities for communication and cooperation on a national and international scale. Additionally, VBU cooperates closely with other national and international organisations in the areas of biotechnology, pharmaceutical technology, diagnostics and also knowledge and technology transfer.

Our Goals

  • To boost knowledge and technology transfer
  • To initiate and foster networks between
    - indstry and academic research
    - biotechnology, pharmaceutical and chemical companies
    - German and international companies and institutions
  • To provide policy advice and to support companies in the area of research funding and promotion

Our Activities

  • Representation of German biotechnology
  • Webinar series
  • Conferences and workshops
  • Partnering events
  • Joint stands at national and international events
  • Delegations to other countries
  • Regulary newsletter
  • Technology search engine InnovationFinder: www.v-b-u.org/if
  • German life sciences database G2C - Gate to Cooperation: www.g2c-lifesciences.de
  • Business network for woman managers in the life sciences

More information: www.v-b-u.org





Dr. Björn Mathes
Head of PRAXISforums

Phone +49 69 7564-365
Fax +49 69 7564-117

Theodor-Heuss-Allee 25
D-60486 Frankfurt am Main

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