Enzymes for Industrial Applications

Xinkai Xie, EnzymeWorks


"Protein and metabolic engineering are becoming more and more important and fundamental tools in applying to the production of low to medium value chemicals. The key is to tightly regulate protein expression and fine tune enzyme properties for maximum output."

Thu 5 Feb 2015, 09:00:

Recent Applications of Enzyme and Metabolic Engineering for Chemical Synthesis

  • more and more enzymes are available for a wide range of biotransformations
  • the focus is increasingly being shifted to protein evolution and metabolic engineering
  • recent applications of enzyme and metabolic engineering for synthesis of pharmaceutical and fine chemicals



Xinkai Xie got his Ph.D. degree from Dr. Yi Tang’s group at UCLA and did postdoc work at Jay Keasling’s lab at UC Berkeley. During his Ph.D. study, he developed a biotransformation process for simvastatin synthesis which was licensed to Codexis and Teva, and won the presidential green chemistry challenge award. Xinkai Xie joined Codexis after postdoc in 2011 and then joined EnzymeWorks at the end of 2013, where he is currently Director of R&D.








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