From primary and secondary resources to mineral processing, from substitution of raw materials and their efficient use to waste recovery and closed loop recycling management
Prof. Frank Glorius from Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster / Germany receives the Otto-Roelen-Medal 2020.
The “DECHEMA Infoday” will be held in conjunction with the project AutoBattRec of EIT RawMaterials.
Entrepreneurial scientists, young founders and owners of start-ups can now apply for the ACHEMA Start-up Award 2021.
New focus topics, new event formats and a new website, register now as exhibitor for ACHEMA 2021!
Jetzt kostenlos anmelden Veranstaltungsort: Max-Planck-Institut für Dynamik komplexer technischer Systeme Großer Seminarraum...
Welcome to ICCDU XVII The 17 th International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Utilization (ICCDU XVII) CO 2 utilization is moving from research to...
AchemAsia 2019 is setting new standards. Three months before the opening of the event on 21 May 2019 in Shanghai, the booked exhibition space already exceeds the final count of the 2016 event.
The BMBF-funded research and development programme ‘Technologies for Sustainability and Climate Protection – Chemical Processes and Use of CO2’ ran from 2010 to the end of 2016 and covered the following main areas: ‘Using CO2 as a feedstock for the chemical industry’, ‘Chemical energy storage’ and ‘Energy-efficient processes’. Each of these main areas is accompanied in this final report by a review article that pro-vides a comprehensive overview of the topic. The 33 projects that received funding have been classified into these three main areas or clusters. A short article has been provided for each research project and focuses on presenting the central results of the project. In the ‘Energy-efficient processes’ cluster, the review article, which covers the subject of carbon capture, serves as an example of the very diverse range of projects grouped in this part of the report.
The BMBF funding measure "Resource Efficient Urban Districts for the Future (RES:Z)" promotes the research, development and testing of implementation-oriented concepts for water manage-ment, land use and material flow management in the area of urban districts as part of the flagship initiative Future City. The programme is flanked by the scientific cross-sectional project ReQ+, which aims to horizontally network, analyse and synthesise the research results from the collabora-tive projects of the RES:Z funding measure and represent their scientific contributions to the goals of the German Sustainability Strategy. ReQ+ thus supports the utilisation of the results, especially their implementation in municipal practice in cities and municipalities.
Das BMBF-Pilotvorhaben KUBA - Nachhaltige Kunststoffwertschöpfungskette: Pilotfall Kunststoffe in Bauwirtschaft und Gebäuden hat die Entwicklung eines Konzeptes zur nachhaltigen Kreislaufführung von Kunststoffen aus der Bauwirtschaft und Gebäuden zum Ziel. Unter Betrachtung und Einbeziehung der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette werden in KUBA grundlegende Daten zu Kunststoffen im Baubestand, Stoffströmen aus der Bauwirtschaft sowie zu Prozessketten zur Erfassung und Sammlung, Rückführlogistik und der Sortierung gemischter Bauabfälle erhoben. Darüber hinaus werden die Aufbereitung und Verfahren zur rohstofflichen Verwertung von Wärmedämmverbundsystemen untersucht. Alle erfassten Daten und Ergebnisse werden anschließend bezüglich grundsätzlicher Aspekte zur Nachhaltigkeit und der wirtschaftlichen Umsetzbarkeit bewertet.