International Cooperation

The international relations of DECHEMA

Scientific Cooperation takes place on a global scale. Since the very beginning cooperation with both national and international scientific societies has been one of DECHEMA's guiding principles.

Cooperations in Europe:

efce_140 European Federation of Chemical Engineering
efc2018 European Federation of Corrosion
EuCheMS European Association for Chemial and Molecular Sciences
EPSC European Process Safety Centre


Worldwide Cooperation:


World Chemical Engineering Council

Scientific cooperation links DECHEMA with many countries of the world, especially with Japan, the USA, China, Argentina and the countries of Eastern Europe. Exchange of students and lectures, joint research projects and continuing education courses abroad, and courses for lectures from developing countries strengthen these links. Honorary Delegates represent the interests of DECHEMA throughout the world.


European and international Standardization

DECHEMA promotes world-wide technical and scientific cooperation by standardization of laboratory devices and equipment. Objectives are comparable measurement results, technology transfer, reduction of trade barriers and a high safety level in laboratories. Important partners besides most European countries are China, Egypt, India, Russia and USA.


cen European Standardization Laboratory Equipment
International Standadization Laboratory Equipment
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