Science thrives on exchange and networking. This is why it is particularly important for young scientists to establish contacts, present research findings and discuss them with other experts at an early stage. The Max Buchner Research Foundation provides the opportunity for this with its scholarships. This is made possible by donations from ACHEMA exhibitors and others.
About the Foundation
The Max Buchner Research Foundation was established in 1936 and was named after the founder of DECHEMA. This was the basis for the active research promotion of DECHEMA through their committees in the fields of chemical engineering, process engineering, biotechnology and environmental protection.
The approved non-profit foundation is honorarily administrated by DECHEMA e.V.
What is funded?
The Max Buchner Research Foundation supports young scientists by awarding travel grants. Researchers at universities and non-university research institutions who wish to present their scientific and technical research work at a specialist scientific event in the fields of chemical engineering, process engineering, biotechnology and related research areas are eligible to apply.
More details on the funding and the application process are available in the funding guidelines.
To the application for travel grants
Who makes this possible?
The Foundation is financed by donations, in particular from ACHEMA exhibitors. With their financial contribution, they make the Foundation's work possible in the first place. Since its inception, the Max Buchner Research Foundation has been able to award scholarships totalling more than 12.5 million euros to young scientists.
Donations to the account of the Max Buchner Research Foundation are always welcome.
We would like to thank all donors who support young scientists with their contributions (in alphabetical order):
- ADK Modulraum GmbH
- Anseros Klaus Nonnenmacher GmbH
- Fluitec mixing + reaction solutions AG
- itek GmbH
- K-UTEC AG Salt Technologies
- LIGHTHOUSE Instruments BV
- plantIng GmbH
- R + B Filter GmbH
- thuba AG
- UV Medico A/S