Apply now for Catalysis awards
Until beginning of October 2022 catalysts can apply for Jochen Block Prize and Alwin Mittasch Prize. Both prizes aiming at scientists working in the field of catalysis and are endowed with a prize money
Jochen Block Prize of the German Society for Catalysis
The German Society for Catalysis awards a prize for the promotion of young scientists in the field of catalysis. The prize is awarded for research work and development of young scientists in the field of catalysis who have not yet been appointed to a full chair and who have contributed to the field of catalysis in a special way through fundamental and original research. In accordance with its purpose, the scientists should generally not be older than 40 years. The prize is endowed with 3,000 euros.
Proposals for the Jochen Block Prize can be submitted until 4th October 2022
Alwin Mittasch Prize 2023
The German Catalysis Society (GeCatS) and DECHEMA Society for Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology e.V. request nominations for the Alwin Mittasch Prize 2023 which is awarded to international scientists who have made outstanding contributions towards extending the fundamentals of catalysis and its exemplary industrial application. The Prize which is endowed with 10,000 Euro will be awarded in a public ceremony at the 56th Annual Meeting of German Catalysis Researchers in March 2023 in Weimar/Germany. The Alwin Mittasch Prize was initiated by BASF in 1990, originally as the Alwin Mittasch Medal. It is named after the developer of the first catalyst for ammonia synthesis.
Proposals for nominations should be submitted before 4th October 2023 via:
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