Bedeutung der Nachhaltigen Chemie, als holistischer Ansatz für innovative Lösungen
Importance of Sustainable Chemistry as a holistic approach
ISC3 online event series “Sustainable Chemistry SPOTLIGHTS”
”Sustainable Chemistry should be the guiding principle for the upcoming ICCM5”
In view of the 5th International Conference for Chemicals Management (ICCM5), the International Sustainable Chemistry Collaborative Centre (ISC3) opens the discussion on the importance of Sustainable Chemistry as a holistic approach to make products and manufacturing processes safer for the environment and human health. The new online live event series "Sustainable Chemistry SPOTLIGHTS" focuses on four core topics within Sustainable Chemistry: Innovation, Renewable Energy, Sustainable Building as well as the Policy and Stakeholder Dialogue. Multilateral organisations, the private sector, NGOs and experts from various fields discuss sustainable ideas and approaches from different perspectives. Start-ups present innovations and best practice examples. The common goal is to contribute to a sustainable world through Sustainable Chemistry.
Dr. Thomas Wanner, Managing Director of ISC3 states "With our SPOTLIGHTS, we are making a statement in the run-up to ICCM5: Sustainable Chemistry should be the guiding principle of the upcoming International Conference for Chemicals Management. We want to draw attention to the fact that Sustainable Chemistry delivers essential solutions for securing the needs of the present without compromising the environmental, social and economic foundations of future generations."
To kick off the event series, the overarching theme of "Innovation and Sustainable Chemistry" is on the agenda for Tuesday, April 25, 2023, which will be explored from different perspectives in a variety of sessions and formats. The complete program including free, one-time registration to all SPOTLIGHTS is available via the ISC3 website.
The event series is still open for interested partners to implement their own events, participate as speaker or join sessions. To become a partner reach out to this contact
Each of the four SPOTLIGHT days is designed to raise awareness of the concept of Sustainable Chemistry as an innovation driver for sustainable solutions and to provide a platform for stakeholders and all participants to present their projects, business models and research activities from a variety of perspectives. In the discussion, scientists, entrepreneurs and experts will exchange ideas and formulate expectations. The first Sustainable Chemistry SPOTLIGHT looks at innovative solutions to promote sustainable development, with examples from different sectors and regions of the world, as well as their promotion in international exchange. Specifically, for example, the final webinar of the Sustainable Chemistry Club event series organised in cooperation with UNEP. The focus of the webinar series are the ten UNEP Green and Sustainable Chemistry Goals. Among others, two Indian Start-ups SCHUTZEN (innovation: biodegradable and biobased chemicals) and Vriddhijal Agri Technologies (innovation: organic liquid fertilisers) will present their solutions as best practice examples for the implementation of the selected UNEP objectives. In addition, three best Start-up solutions from the entire webinar series will be awarded during the SPOTLIGHT event. The webinar will take place on April 25 from 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. (CEST). Promoting innovation in Sustainable Chemistry across Start-ups and small and medium-sized businesses in the Ghanaian E-waste Sector is the topic for another interesting session that day. AppCyclers from Ghana, which have developed a web- and app-based e-waste management and disposal system, and E[co]work from India, which offers an attractive alternative for informal workers to dismantle e-waste in Delhi, will join the discussion with their expertise. Both Start-ups are being promoted under the ISC3 Global Start-up Service. The "E-Waste Round Table Ghana" is on April 25 from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. (CEST).
For everyone interested in Green and Sustainable Chemistry this might be the highlight of the day, Professor John Warner will look back at 25 years of Green Chemistry and the missing elements. (April 25 1-2pm CEST). For all additional information and to register for free, visit
The events provide insight into important topics that will also play a significant role at this year's ICCM5 (September 25-29 in Bonn, Germany), with representatives from up to 170 countries from different sectors. ISC3 is committed to ensuring that the holistic concept of Sustainable Chemistry is considered as a framework for future chemicals management. "We are very pleased that we were able to attract experts from all areas of Sustainable Chemsitry for our online event series," said Dr. Wanner. "We will continue the discussion we are initiating with the four Sustainable Chemistry SPOTLIGHTS in the context of the upcoming important ICCM5."
OVERVIEW: Four SPOTLIGHTS – on four core topics of Sustainable Chemistry.
The online events take place on the digital event platform "Talque". Participation is free of charge and requires only central registration. In addition to the individual sessions, there will be targeted opportunities for networking for individual exchange with experts and speakers.
Innovation & Sustainable Chemistry, Tuesday, 25 April
Topic: Innovative solutions to promote sustainable development – examples from different sectors and regions of the world.
Renewable Energy & Sustainable Chemistry, Thursday, 11 May
Topic: The strategical plans of the European Union and countries like Germany to foster a “Hydrogen Economy” aim to give an impulse for a more sustainable way of production.
Sustainable Building & Sustainable Chemistry, Thursday, 25 May
Topic: How can Sustainable Chemistry assist in building – considering global megatrends?
Policy & Stakeholder Dialogue, Friday, 2 June
Topic: How can we raise awareness of the central role of Sustainable Chemistry in addressing climate change, poverty, hunger, pollution and many other societal and environmental challenges.
©Media Contact
Christian Ruth-Strauß
Director Communications ISC3
René SutthoffKonsequent PR
About ISC3
ISC3 is an international centre that fosters the transition of the chemical and chemical-related sectors to Sustainable Chemistry, promoting a circular economy that is striving to implement multifaceted aspects of sustainability at every step of the life cycle of products, and changing all stakeholder behavior. Therefore, the Centre takes a multi-stakeholder approach, targeting policy makers, the public and private sectors, academia and civil society. ISC3 contributes globally to international chemicals policy, develops professional and academic trainings, offers advisory services, fosters innovations, supports entrepreneurship and conducts research. The ISC3 is implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and supported by Leuphana University Lüneburg as ISC3 Research & Education Hub and DECHEMA – Society for Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology (DECHEMA e. V.) as ISC3 Innovation Hub. The Centre was founded in 2017 on the initiative of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety, and Consumer Protection (BMUV, formerly BMU) and the Federal Environment Agency (UBA).
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