

From the inventory of a cell by –omics to synthetic biology, from strain development to industrial biotechnological processes including downstream processing

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142 Results
  • Enzymes for Industrial Applications

    > Download programme as PDF Enzymes are considered to be little miracle substances for innovation, process advantages and cost...

  • DECHEMA-Werkstoff-Tabelle

    DECHEMA-Werkstoff-Tabelle (materials charts)  - the ultimate reference for corrosion specialists materials scientists...

  • Recommendation for Leachables Studies - Standardized cell culture test for the early identification of critical films

    Today, single-use technology is used routinely in biopharmaceutical development and manufacturing processes. Besides many advantages, the available single-use systems still have limitations. One of the most cited disadvantages is the risk for release of potentially toxic or inhibitory substances, so-called leachables from the plastic bags. The bags are typically made of multi-layer thermoplastic films. Until now, no standardized cell culture test was available to identify critical bag films at an early stage in process development. To meet this need, a sub-team of the DECHEMA temporary working group "Single-Use Technology in Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing" developed a standardized cell culture test that would enable the early identification of non-satisfactory films for cultivation of CHO cell lines in chemically defined culture media.

  • Geobiotechnology - Status and Prospects

    Geobiotechnology does not only contribute to the remeditation of soil and mining waters. It offers also significant potential for the exploitation of resources from primary deposits as well as tailings and heaps and for recycling. The status paper by the Temporary Working Group Geobiotechnology gives an overview on the current status of research and technology and discusses perspectives for the further development. Relevant stakeholders in Germany and educational courses are also listed.

  • Wissenschaftliche Begleitung der Fördermaßnahme Risikomanagement von neuen Schadstoffen und Krankheitserregern im Wasserkreislauf

    Wasser in ausreichender Menge und Qualität ist eine essentielle Lebensgrundlage. Die Sicherstellung einer qualitativ hochwertigen Trinkwasserversorgung stellt deshalb eine der großen Herausforderungen der Zukunft dar. Neben Schadstoffen und Krankheitserregern belasten auch in Deutschland klimatische und demografische Veränderungen in Abhängigkeit der regionalen Ausprägung die Wasserqualität. Es ist daher erforderlich, dass gerade in unserer komplexen und hoch dynamischen Gesellschaft diese vielfältigen, absehbar zunehmenden Risiken für die Wasserqualität erkannt und neu bewertet werden.

  • Lignocellulose-Bioraffinerie II

    Neben der Errichtung einer Pilotanlage im chemisch-biotechnologischen Prozesszentrum (CBP) am Standort Chemiepark Leuna, die nach Ablauf von zwei Jahren die Produktion aufnehmen soll, liegt der Schwerpunkt des Projektes auf der Entwicklung neuer Prozessketten für biobasierte Produkte aus den Zuckern und Lignin

  • Eco-IP Partnership for Driving Innovation in the Sector of Bio-based Products

    The BIOCHEM project, which started on 1 February 2010, supports companies, and especially SMEs, to enter the emerging and highly promising market for bio-based products in the chemical sector. Bio-based products are made from renewable, biological raw materials such as plants and trees. They are typically sold on into market sectors such as bio-plastics, bio-lubricants, surfactants, enzymes and pharmaceuticals. Bio-based products represent economic, environmental and societal benefits. Bio-based products also constitute one of Europe's six "Lead Markets";.

  • CHB Volume 13

    Kreysa, Gerhard / Schütze, Michael (Hrsg.) Corrosion Handbook - Corrosive Agents and Their Interaction with Materials Volume 13: Index  Corrosion...

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