From the inventory of a cell by –omics to synthetic biology, from strain development to industrial biotechnological processes including downstream processing
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As of July 1, 2021, Dr. Andreas Förster is the new Executive Director of DECHEMA. At the same time, the DECHEMA Office will be reorganized with two new divisional heads. Thereby, the scientific society intends to even better implement its strategic goals.
Until the 17th September 2021 catalysts can apply for the Jochen Block Prize and the Otto Roelen Medal.
Dr. Maike Kuschel, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma, and Dr.-Ing. Hans-Jürgen Heidebrecht, Technical University of Munich, were awarded the Industrial Bioprecess Award for their doctoral theses.
+++ new date: 19 May 2022 +++ Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the Workshop Channeling – an engineering tool in biotechnology? will be postponed to 2022
1st Talk: 6 May 2021, 14:30-15:30h
2nd Talk: 20 May 2021, 14:30-16:00h
The 3D Cell Culture 2021 conference will focus on advanced and predictive 3D cell culture models for the understanding of diseases and substance testing....
Rückblick auf das PRAXISforum Brandschutz 2018