From the understanding of chemical reactions on the molecular level to the knowledge of materials, from product design to the contribution of chemistry to sustainability and innovation
New focus topics, new event formats and a new website, register now as exhibitor for ACHEMA 2021!
Herausforderung Digitalisierung Die Umsetzung der Konzepte von "Industrie 4.0" in der Prozessindustrie ist nur mit den...
The workshop is a continuation of last years successful first workshop on internationalization of that topic. It is organized by the ProcessNet...
to honour his groundbreaking contributions to the molecular understanding of catalysis using organometallic complexes and their transfer into industrial hydroformylation.
Welcome to ICCDU XVII The 17 th International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Utilization (ICCDU XVII) CO 2 utilization is moving from research to...
This triennial International Workshop is a renown platform for experts to exchange their latest discoveries as well as a knowledge pool for young...
Besonderheiten des PRAXISforums Von Experten für Experten - Hören Sie Erlebnisberichte und konkrete Lösungsvorschläge von namenhaften...
Annual Meeting on Reaction Engineering 2019 in Corporation with the Subject Division Multiphase Flows The Annual Meeting on Reaction Engineering offers...