

From the understanding of chemical reactions on the molecular level to the knowledge of materials, from product design to the contribution of chemistry to sustainability and innovation

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231 Results
  • Roadmap „Chemical Reaction Engineering“

    With this 2nd edition of the Roadmap the ProcessNet subject division Chemical Reaction Engineering addresses the general trend that Chemical Reaction Engineering is directly defining product quality and product properties and, thus, is getting directly involved in the development of innovative application characteristics of products. To an increasing extent Chemical Reaction Engineering is also a key for the process and product development of industrial sectors outside the chemical industry such as energy technology or automotive engineering. Chemical Reaction Engineering is not anymore only devoted to understand, design and optimize chemical reactors in terms of yield, energy and efficiency. In addition, it is a key enabler for product innovations and new business concepts through e.g. product by process approaches or modular plant concepts.
    All the aspects mentioned before are considered now in the 2nd edition of the roadmap including case studies, technical chapters and an outlook updated accordingly.

  • Electrostatics 2017

    Online-Registration Welcome On behalf of DECHEMA and the European Working Party 'Static Electricity in Industry' (EFCE) we would like to welcome...

  • 50. Jahrestreffen Deutscher Katalytiker

    2017 marks the 50 th anniversary of our Annual Catalysis Meeting (Jahrestreffen Deutscher Katalytiker), which has evolved into the most important meeting...

  • Jahrestreffen Frankfurt I - Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppen Hochdruckverfahrenstechnik (HDVT), Mikroverfahrenstechnik (MIKRO), Molekulare Modellierung (MOL)

    Im Rahmen der Veranstaltungswoche „ProcessNet-Jahrestreffen Frankfurt I“ treffen sich die ProcessNet-Fachgruppen Hochdruckverfahrenstechnik,...

  • 26th ATC 2017: Industrial Inorganic Chemistry - Materials and Processes

    Online Registration is open Programme as PDF for download The Subject Division Applied Inorganic Chemistry of ProcessNet (an initiative of...

  • White paper: Standardization is key to the successful implementation of modular plants

    Modular plant concepts are globally on the rise in order to shorten development and product cycles in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry. The White Paper Modular Plants gives an overview on current developments based on project evaluations.

  • PRAXISforum Big Data Analytics in Process Industry

    DoWNLOAD Programme Big Data analytics has become important to the process industry and reveals new market opportunities as well as it could lead to...

  • Double award in anniversary year 2017: Alwin Mittasch Prize goes to Great Britain and China

    In 2017 the Alwin Mittasch Prize goes to two scientists. This prestigious award will be shared equally by Professor David Cole-Hamilton, University of St. Andrews/UK, and its industrial application, and Professor Xinhe Bao, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, China.

  • White Paper Modular Plants

    The present White Paper „Modular Plants“ was developed in the temporary ProcessNet working group „Modular Systems“ in a close cooperation between industry and research institutions. It provides the current state of the joint efforts to improve the modularisation of plant technology in the chemical industry. The paper calls for a standardization of the nomenclature for modular production concepts to provide the basis for a wide industrial application of the technology. It points out obstacles but also possible development paths of modularisation and weighs its strengths against risks. Furthermore, research needs and funding actions are identified that are necessary for the further implementation of modular system concepts. A translation of the text into German is planned and publication should be done at the same place.

  • Biowaste derived volatile fatty acid platform for biopolymers, bioactive compounds and chemical building blocks

    VOLATILE is a large scale project in the frame of Horizon 2020 involving 21 industry and research partners from nine European countries.

    The project’s intention is to develop a Volatile Fatty Acids Platform (VFAP) for the economic utilization of municipal as well as industrial biowaste. Fatty acids will continuously be recovered from anaerobic digestion processes applying membrane technology and will be provided for value added fermentation approaches:

    1. Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) for material applications will be obtained via bacterial fermentation.
    2. Single cell oils (SCOs) as precursors for oleo-chemical industry will be received from cultivation of yeast.
    3. Omega-3 fatty acids to be used as food ingredients or nutraceuticals will be derived from heterotrophic microalgae.

    The evolvement of the new value-added chains will be supported by findings of executed case studies and market analyses. Furthermore, the processes will be optimized applying agent-based modeling. To ensure environmentally friendly and economical reasonable process design, VOLATILE additionally will be accompanied by a life cycle assessment (LCA) and an economic feasibility study. Business cases will be developed and a CEN workshop will support standardization on “Sustainable use of municipal solid and sludgy biowaste for added value biomolecules for industrial application”.

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