From the understanding of chemical reactions on the molecular level to the knowledge of materials, from product design to the contribution of chemistry to sustainability and innovation
Welche neuen Trends und Entwicklungen gibt es in der Adsorptionstechnik? Welche neuen Methoden zur Charakterisierung poröser Materialien werden entwickelt?...
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62 first-class applications were received from 28 countries and six continents.
At the ACHEMA Innovation Challenge, the teams „Otto Normal“, „Data Barber“ , „MT DeepWater“ and „Banius - Intelligent Process Optimization have convinced with their five-minute pitches
The online participation in the awarding ceremony on this extraordinary afternoon is free of charge. It it streamed via Zoom. The...
As of July 1, 2021, Dr. Andreas Förster is the new Executive Director of DECHEMA. At the same time, the DECHEMA Office will be reorganized with two new divisional heads. Thereby, the scientific society intends to even better implement its strategic goals.
Until the 17th September 2021 catalysts can apply for the Jochen Block Prize and the Otto Roelen Medal.
Eight teams have impressed with their concepts and will present them as part of the ACHEMA Pulses on June 15 from 3 to 5 pm.