From processes at interfaces in general to unit operations such as adsorption, extraction, distillation, and chromatography, from membrane technology and multiphase flows to thermodynamics, heat and mass transfer
13th European Congress of Chemical Engineering and 6th European Congress of Applied Biotechnology
Welche neuen Trends und Entwicklungen gibt es in der Adsorptionstechnik? Welche neuen Methoden zur Charakterisierung poröser Materialien werden entwickelt?...
Does today's process simulation meet the requirements posed by increasing digitalisation up to the "digital twin"? This question is addressed by the experts of the ProcessNet working committee Process Simulation, Process Synthesis and Knowledge Processing in their current position paper "Process Simulation - Fit for the Future?
The I nternational symposium on Multiscale Multiphase Process Engineering (MMPE) is held biannually alternately in Germany and Japan and regular attracts...
Dear colleague, we are sorry to inform you that our conference GSC9 „Advanced Reaction Media“ (planned to be held from 23rd to 26th of...
Dear colleague, we are sorry to inform you that the Green Solvents Workshop (planned to be held from 21th to 23th of September 2018 in...