Energy and Climate

Energy and Climate

From energy generation and conversion to alternative fuels, from hydrogen technology to chemical and thermal storage, from energy recovery to energy efficiency

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99 Results
  • Kopernikus-Projekt für die Energiewende P2X: Erforschung, Validierung und Implementierung von Power-to-X Konzepten

    Das Kopernikus-Projekt P2X: Erforschung, Validierung und Implementierung von Power-to-X-Konzepten ist eines von vier vom BMBF geförderten Kopernikus-Projekten zur Energiewende. In den nächsten zehn Jahren sollen Technologien erforscht und entwickelt werden, die zur effizienten Speicherung und Nutzung von elektrischer Energie aus erneuerbaren Energiequellen durch Umwandlung in stoffliche Energieträger und chemische Produkte mit hoher Wertschöpfung dienen können. Durch die Verwendung von CO2 aus Abgasen kann zudem der Einsatz von fossilen Brennstoffen reduziert werden. P2X leistet somit einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Dekarbonisierung und zum Umbau der Energiesysteme als Teil der Energiewende.

  • Call for nominations for the Alwin Mittasch Prize

    Outstanding contributions towards extending the fundamentals of catalysis and its exemplary industrial application will be awarded

  • 12th International Conference on the Fundamentals of Adsorption

     Thank you for your participation in the FOA 2016 Group Foto for Download here     International Adsorption...

  • 1st European Conference on Metal Organic Frameworks and Porous Polymers

    final programme available for download - 4,5 MB The 1 st European Conference on Metal-Organic Frameworks and Porous Polymers will bring...

  • Position Paper Energy Storage Systems - The Contribution of Chemistry

    Energy storage systems for the energy transition: Position Paper of the Joint Working group on Chemical Energy Research. Fundamental research for new storage technologies, a data base for the economic evaluation and an integrated system including electricity, heat and mobility are required in order to implement the energy transition successfully. A comprehensive article supplementing the position paper has been published in Chemie Ingenieur Technik (access via

  • Enzymes for Industrial Applications

    > Download programme as PDF Enzymes are considered to be little miracle substances for innovation, process advantages and cost...

  • Technology Roadmap "Energy and GHG Reductions in the Chemical Industry via Catalytic Processes"

    The Technology Roadmap "Energy and GHG Reductions in the Chemical Industry via Catalytic Processes" explores how the chemicals sector can harness catalysis and other related technology advances to improve on energy efficiency in its production processes. Furthermore, it evaluates how continuous improvements and breakthrough technology options can affect energy use and reduce greenhouse gas emission rates in the chemical sector. Measures from policy makers, investors, academia and the sector to facilitate developments in catalytic technology and implement its potential around the globe are also described. The roadmap has been jointly developed by the International Energy Agency (IEA), the International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA) and DECHEMA to demonstrate the role catalytic processes can play to improve the chemicals sector's energy and GHG emissions intensity.

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