Water Management

Water Management

From integrated environmental technology to water and waste water treatment, from air and gas purification to energy and resource efficiency, from soil recovery to sustainability assessments and climate protection

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66 Results
  • 1st European Conference on Metal Organic Frameworks and Porous Polymers

    final programme available for download - 4,5 MB The 1 st European Conference on Metal-Organic Frameworks and Porous Polymers will bring...

  • Enzymes for Industrial Applications

    > Download programme as PDF Enzymes are considered to be little miracle substances for innovation, process advantages and cost...

  • DECHEMA-Werkstoff-Tabelle

    DECHEMA-Werkstoff-Tabelle (materials charts)  - the ultimate reference for corrosion specialists materials scientists...

  • Demonstration of innovative solutions for Reuse of water, Recovery of valuable substances and Resource efficiency in urban wastewater treatment

    Reuse Recovery Resource efficiency
    R3Water aims to support the transition from an urban wastewater treatment plant to a production unit of different valuables. Different types of technologies and innovative solutions will be further developed and tested at the demonstration sites that are located in Belgium, Spain and Sweden.

  • Daten und Wissen zu Nanomaterialien - Aufbereitung gesellschaftlich relevanter naturwissenschaftlicher Fakten

    Das Projekt DaNa2.0 hat zum Ziel, in einem interdisziplinären Ansatz mit Wissenschaftlern aus Humantoxikologie, Ökotoxikologie, Biologie, Physik, Chemie und Pharmazie Forschungsergebnisse zu Nanomaterialien und deren Auswirkungen auf den Menschen und die Umwelt für interessierte Laien verständlich aufzubereiten. Diese Daten werden auf der Internetplattform www.nanopartikel.info und auch durch andere Medien der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich gemacht.

  • Technology Roadmap "Energy and GHG Reductions in the Chemical Industry via Catalytic Processes"

    The Technology Roadmap "Energy and GHG Reductions in the Chemical Industry via Catalytic Processes" explores how the chemicals sector can harness catalysis and other related technology advances to improve on energy efficiency in its production processes. Furthermore, it evaluates how continuous improvements and breakthrough technology options can affect energy use and reduce greenhouse gas emission rates in the chemical sector. Measures from policy makers, investors, academia and the sector to facilitate developments in catalytic technology and implement its potential around the globe are also described. The roadmap has been jointly developed by the International Energy Agency (IEA), the International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA) and DECHEMA to demonstrate the role catalytic processes can play to improve the chemicals sector's energy and GHG emissions intensity.

  • Geobiotechnology - Status and Prospects

    Geobiotechnology does not only contribute to the remeditation of soil and mining waters. It offers also significant potential for the exploitation of resources from primary deposits as well as tailings and heaps and for recycling. The status paper by the Temporary Working Group Geobiotechnology gives an overview on the current status of research and technology and discusses perspectives for the further development. Relevant stakeholders in Germany and educational courses are also listed.

  • Eco-efficient management of industrial water

    The chemical industry provides the highest potential for increasing eco-efficiency in industrial water management. E4Water addresses crucial process industry needs, to overcome bottlenecks and barriers for an integrated and energy efficient water management.
    The main objective is to develop, test and validate new integrated approaches, methodologies and process technologies for a more efficient and sustainable management of water in chemical industry with cross-fertilization possibilities to other industrial sectors.

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