
Reports and position papers

Current positions on topics of chemical technology, biotechnology, education and interdisciplinary issues



CATALYSIS - An interdisciplinary key technology for a sustainable economic development

(November 2023)

In order to meet global challenges with sustainable developments, the United Nations has defined 17 global Sustainable Development Goals. As an interdisciplinary cross-sectional technology and a key scientific discipline, catalysis can make significant contributions to several of these goals. The newly published Roadmap of German Catalysis Research presents the role of catalysis for these topics.


Technology options for CO2- emission reduction of hydrogen feedstock in ammonia production

(February 2022)

“Perspective Europe 2030 - Technology options for CO2- emission reduction of hydrogen feedstock in ammonia production” is an in-depth study by DECHEMA, commissioned by Fertilizers Europe, analyzing the options for existing European ammonia plants to reduce CO2-emissions with a focus on 2030 and with additional insights to 2050.

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Position Paper „Process Simulation – Fit for the future?“

(April 2021)

Does today's process simulation meet the requirements posed by increasing digitalisation up to the "digital twin"? This question is addressed by the experts of the ProcessNet working committee Process Simulation, Process Synthesis and Knowledge Processing in their current position paper "Process Simulation - Fit for the Future?


Technologies for Sustainability and Climate Protection – Chemical Processes and Use of CO2

(January 2019)

The BMBF-funded research and development programme ‘Technologies for Sustainability and Climate Protection – Chemical Processes and Use of CO2’ ran from 2010 to the end of 2016 and covered the following main areas: ‘Using CO2 as a feedstock for the chemical industry’, ‘Chemical energy storage’ and ‘Energy-efficient processes’. Each of these main areas is accompanied in this final report by a review article that pro-vides a comprehensive overview of the topic. The 33 projects that received funding have been classified into these three main areas or clusters. A short article has been provided for each research project and focuses on presenting the central results of the project. In the ‘Energy-efficient processes’ cluster, the review article, which covers the subject of carbon capture, serves as an example of the very diverse range of projects grouped in this part of the report.

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Guideline Incident Investigation

(November 2018)

With the new guideline "Incident Investigation", the ProcessNet Working Committee Lessons from Process Safety Incidents provides safety experts from small and medium-sized enterprises with a tool to analyze non-notifiable incidents and near misses and to derive measures for the future. The guideline describes the steps from the composition of the investigation team to the analysis method and the definition of measures to the communication of the learnings from the incident.

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Key Topic Collection for Catalysis Teaching (Lehrprofil Katalyse)

(March 2018)

The 34-page brochure published by the German Catalysis Society (GeCatS) contains not only the essential basics but also the key topics of modern catalysis research for teachers and learners. GeCatS thus makes a recommendation as to which topics should be covered in catalysis training and how these can be integrated into Master's programmes as well as into doctoral and postdoctoral training courses.

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Status Paper "Facility of the Future"

(March 2018)

The biopharmaceutical industry has developed rapidly in recent decades, with biotechnologically manufactured drugs are at the top both in new approvals and new fields of application. Various trends such as the production of biosimilars have led to a real boom in new production facilities in recent years.
Pharmaceutical companies are increasingly planning and constructing more flexible, smaller plants to meet the demand. These flexible Facilities of the Future (FoF) often use single-use systems. The Status Paper of the DECHEMA working group “Single-use technology in biopharmaceutical manufacturing” is an introduction in the field.

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Phytoextracts - Proposal towards a new comprehensive research focus

(July 2017)

In order to meet the growing demand for and exploit the potential of phytoextracts for food, pharmaceutical or agrochemical applications, a coordinated research approach with adequate public funding is mandatory. In its current position paper “Phytoextracts – Proposal towards a new and comprehensive research focus”, the ProcessNet sub-division “Phytoextracts – Products and processes” outlines the state of research and technology and gives recommendations for research targets and approaches

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Trends and Perspectives in Industrial Water Treatment

(June 2017)

Raw Water – Process – Waste Water
Global changes in water availability and the manifold regulatory frameworks have already prompted many companies to develop ambitious strategies to improve their water usage efficiency. This requires a combination of know-how and process technology, embedded in integrated industrial water management solutions.

Due to the high innovation potential of an integrated industrial water management the ProcessNet Subject Division Production-Integrated Water/Waste Water Technology has developed a position paper to highlight the trends and perspectives in industrial water technology.

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Roadmap „Chemical Reaction Engineering“

(May 2017)

With this 2nd edition of the Roadmap the ProcessNet subject division Chemical Reaction Engineering addresses the general trend that Chemical Reaction Engineering is directly defining product quality and product properties and, thus, is getting directly involved in the development of innovative application characteristics of products. To an increasing extent Chemical Reaction Engineering is also a key for the process and product development of industrial sectors outside the chemical industry such as energy technology or automotive engineering. Chemical Reaction Engineering is not anymore only devoted to understand, design and optimize chemical reactors in terms of yield, energy and efficiency. In addition, it is a key enabler for product innovations and new business concepts through e.g. product by process approaches or modular plant concepts.
All the aspects mentioned before are considered now in the 2nd edition of the roadmap including case studies, technical chapters and an outlook updated accordingly.

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White Paper Modular Plants

(December 2016)

The present White Paper „Modular Plants“ was developed in the temporary ProcessNet working group „Modular Systems“ in a close cooperation between industry and research institutions. It provides the current state of the joint efforts to improve the modularisation of plant technology in the chemical industry. The paper calls for a standardization of the nomenclature for modular production concepts to provide the basis for a wide industrial application of the technology. It points out obstacles but also possible development paths of modularisation and weighs its strengths against risks. Furthermore, research needs and funding actions are identified that are necessary for the further implementation of modular system concepts. A translation of the text into German is planned and publication should be done at the same place.

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Catalysis beyond the Roadmap

(October 2012)

Supplement to the Roadmap for Catalysis Research in Germany published by the German Catalysis Society

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