Dr. Johannes F. Buyel

studied Molecular Biotechnology at the RWTH Aachen University (Aachen Germany), focusing on recombinant protein expression, first working at the Biochemical Engineering Department (Prof. Jochen Büchs) and then at Institute for Molecular Biotechnology (Prof. Rainer Fischer). After a short work experience as lab manager at m2p-labs (Aachen, Germany), he continued his master studies at the RWTH Aachen University, the Lund University (Lund, Sweden; Prof. Carl Borrebaeck) and the Fraunhofer Center for Molecular Biotechnology (Newark, DE, USA, Prof. Vidadi Yusibov), where he worked with microbial, mammalian and plant-based expression systems, respectively. Thereafter, Dr. Buyel returned to the RWTH Aachen University to start his doctoral studies, focusing on modelling protein expression in plants and the optimization of the corresponding downstream processing. He continued this work as a post-doctoral fellow until he joined the Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology IME as a group leader to develop a high-through screening platform for protein expression and purification. Later Dr. Buyel was promoted to head the department of Integrated Production Platforms, supervising process development and scale-up. In this position, he currently manages projects focusing on the expression of challenging proteins (e.g. containing intrinsically disordered regions), the overall bioprocess integration (e.g. using side-stream biomass) and the modeling of manufacturing processes as well as their digitalization.

Keywords: Bioprocess development, production of recombinant proteins, plant expression systems, downstream processing, modelling of chromatography, statistical design of experiments (DoE)

Website: www.ime.fraunhofer.de/en/bpe

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