Advances in Chemical Biology

Registration & Fees

Registration fees


Industry 670 € 685 €
Academia 470 € 485 €
PhD Student2) 350 € 365 €
(* up to the age of 26 years)
190 € 205 €

1) Personal DECHEMA Members, 2) Proof of status requested

Mixed VAT: registration fee includes Business Package with 19% VAT., no VAT for scientific conferences according to § 4.22 UstG

How to become a member?

The registration fee includes a conference ticket, a book of abstracts (PDF), a list of participants as well as food & beverages during all coffee and lunch breaks and the poster party. A programme at a glance will be available as print version. The full conference programme will be available in the DECHEMA event App.


Register here

The DECHEMA terms and conditions for conferences apply. Please note that the following information are exerpts and supplements to the general terms and conditions.

Registration is possible up to the beginning of the conference (subject to capacity in the lecture rooms). You will receive an email with a booking confirmation as well as hyperlinks to download your invoice and payment confirmation as PDF files.

Editorial deadline for list of participants is 13 January 2025.


Payment of participation fees is by credit card (Master-Card, Visa, Amex or Diners) or direct debit.

Cancellation and Refunds

Cancellations will only be accepted in written form (i.e. by post or e-mail).

In case of no-show or cancellation of participation, the full participation fee must be paid. Details on cancellation deadlines and fees can be found in the conference terms and conditions.


Jacqueline Luque-Hornero
Telefon: +49 (0)69 7564-243

Thank you for your support
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