Wednesday, 27 April 2016
Moderator: A. Bazzanella
09:30 |
Registration, Opening of exhibition |
11:00 |
Opening and welcome address A. Förster, Head of Research Management and Conferences DECHEMA e.V., Germany |
11:10 |
Impulse Multi-stage continous processing to APIs - what have we learnt along the way? M. Berry, Director of Chemistry, Second Generation Processes, R&D GlaxoSmithKline, United Kingdom |
12:00 |
Impulse Transformable Production Concepts: Flexible, Mobile, Decentralized, Modular, Fast S. Lier, Head of Working Group Transformable Production and Logistics concepts Ruhr University Bochum, Germany |
Lunch and networking at exhibition floor
14:15 |
Realizing the Future with Small Scale Modular Plants for Continuous Manufacturing J. ter Harmsel, Managing Director Zeton B.V., The Netherlands |
Viability of Flow Processing as a Manufacturing Platform - Trends and Prospects from a Pharmaceutical Industry Perspective H.-J. Federsel, Senior Principal Scientist, Chemical Development AstraZeneca, United Kingdom
Tandem talk Towards modularization and standardization of chemical production units: status quo, development needs, and current activities D. Schmalz, Head of Process Technologies - Engineering Merck, Germany F. Stenger, Group Head Chemical Reaction Technology Evonik, Germany
Interactive networking and discussion @ "topic tables", Exhibition Walkthrough
17:20 |
Pre-Competitive Process Development @ INVITE A. Schweiger, CEO INVITE, Germany |
17:50 |
Implementation of continuous flow processes in cGMP environments P. Pöchlauer, Innovation Manager Patheon, Austria |
18:20 |
Chemical Process Development and Small-scale Production in Multipurpose Plants with Modular Equipment N. Kockmann, Lehrstuhl für Apparatedesign TU Dortmund, Germany |
18:50 |
Networking Dinner, Interactive networking and discussion @ "topic tables", Exhibition Walkthrough |
22:00 |
End of first PRAXISforum day |
Thursday, 28 Apri 2016
Moderator: A. Bazzanella
08:45 |
Re-Opening exhibition |
Digitalization as the next level to increase productivity for the process industry R. Vangenechten, Global Account Manager Siemens AG, Germany
09:30 |
Flow Chemistry! A modular production concept for specialty chemistry business S. Härtner, Senior Development Manager Merck, Germany |
Continuous Flow Reactors: An Opportunity for Discovery, Process Development & Production? C. Willes, CEO Chemtrix, The Netherlands
Interactive networking and discussion @ "topic tables", Exhibition Walkthrough
Migration strategies in R&D A. Müller, Leader Project Management hte, Germany
Continuous liquid – liquid extraction / separation with CINC centrifugal extractors M. Vornefeld, CEO CINC, Germany |
12:45 |
Combining microreaction technology with a standardized chemical plant infrastructure for flexible and mobile production P. Löb, Deputy Head of Division Energy and Chemical Technology Fraunhofer ICT-IMM, Germany |
13:15 |
Small-scale flexible plants – Business and technology perspectives M. de Graaff, Senior Business Developer TNO, The Netherlands |
13:45 |
Lunch at exhibition floor, interactive networking and discussion @ "topic tables", informal drinks
15:00 |
End of PRAXISforum |