Please note: Registration fee cannot be waived for authors. Please use the online registration.
If you are unable to present your lecture for any reason, please let us know as soon as possible.
Information for Lecturers
Conference Language
The official language of the conference is English.
Introduction to the audience/CV
A brief CV questionary enables the appropriate chairperson to introduce all lecturers to the audience. Therefore, lecturers are asked to download the CV form and to return it to the conference office no later than 28 February 2025.
Technical Information
The ideal format for the presentation is 16:9. A notebook (MS Office 2010, Adobe Acrobat Reader 9.3) and a wireless presenter will be provided. Please bring your presentation slides as PowerPoint or PDF-File on a USB stick. Nevertheless, we kindly ask you to bring your own laptop computer as a backup.
In case that you need internet/special software for your presentation or if you have videos included into your file, please notify us in advance.
Oral Presentations
Keynote lecture is planned for 35 min incl. 10 min discussion.
Lecture from the Call for Papers is planned for 20 min incl. 5 min discussion.
Poster Flash Talk is planned for 5 min each (3 min for 3 slides, 1 min question, 1 min for change)
Strict timekeeping will be essential for the smooth running of the conference.
We suggest to use a minimum font size of 24 pt for your presentation slides.
Information for Poster Authors
A poster board will be available for each poster, with the poster number attached. Please bring your printed poster.
Poster display and presentation times
The posters will be shown throughout the whole conference.
The posters should be put up latest on Tuesday, 8 April 2025 till 13:00 h. and taken down at the end of the conference Thursday, 10 April 2025 at 14:00 h.
The possibilities to present the posters are
- during the Poster Session I / Poster Party (uneven number, P01, P03, P05....) on
Tuesday, 8 April, 16:50 - 19:15 h,
- during the Poster Session II / Lunch Break (even number, P02, P04, P06....) on
Wednesday, 9 April, 12:25-14:00 h
- during all lunch and coffee breaks.
The authors are expected to be present accordingly during the Poster Sessions for Q&A.
The poster prize awards will take place on 9 April during the conference dinner.
Preparation of a Poster
Here you can download the poster guideline.
As a major guideline it is proposed to make the poster intelligible in itself, even in the absence of the author. It is suggested to divide the content of each poster into introduction, results and conclusion, with a summary listing the pertinent results and conclusion.
Standard size for posters is 0.85 x 1.2 m (DIN A0 German Standard) vertically oriented.
To ensure that the text is still legible from a distance of 2-3 m, the main text should be written in font size 25-30 pt, marginal information can be slightly smaller with font size 20-25 pt.
The title of a poster must be readable from a distance of approx. 5 m (100-200 pt). Subtitles and headings in the text can be written in 50 pt font.