
62nd Tutzing Symposion 2026: Electrification of the Chemical Industry

13 - 15 October 2026
Evangelische Akademie Tutzing at Lake Starnberg

The chemical industry faces a major challenge in transitioning to climate-neutral production in an efficient and cost-effective manner. The electrification of its processes and the use of renewable electricity is a key driver.

The 62nd Tutzing Symposion 2026 will shed light on this transformation and its various facets, such as economic efficiency, technical feasibility, region-specific characteristics and production concepts. The aim is to outline recommendations for research and development and new ways of collaborating across disciplines and between industry and academia to enable this change.

Click here to download the info flyer.



More information:  Committee  Topics 

Image source: Xueqing Wu, DECHEMA e.V.

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