
Guidelines for the Award of the Alwin Mittasch Prize

– a Foundation of BASF SE -

  1.  The prize is called the Alwin Mittasch Prize of DECHEMA.
  2.  The Alwin Mittasch Prize is awarded for work that has contributed towards extending the fundamentals of catalysis and its exemplary application in industry.
  3.  The award consists of
    a) a gold medal
    b) a certificate
    c) 10,000 € prize money
  4. The words “Gestiftet von der BASF AG im Jahr 1990” (‘Instituted by BASF AG in 1990’) are engraved on the edge of the medal.
  5. The Alwin Mittasch Prize is generally awarded every three years.
  6. The selection of the prize-winner is the responsibility of the Expert Committee for the Alwin Mittasch Prize – if necessary, in consultation with other experts. The Expert Committee is appointed by the chairman of DECHEMA. Three experts each shall come from science and industry. The following experts shall be appointed by virtue of their office:
    a) the chairman of the DECHEMA Working Party on Catalysis
    b) the head of BASF Catalysis Research
    The executive director of DECHEMA is also a member of the Expert Committee.
  7.  Nominations for the award of the Alwin Mittasch Prize may be submitted by anyone. Self-nominations are not permissible. The call for nominations, including the deadline for submission of proposals, is made worldwide
    a) by informing journals appropriately
    b) by notifying colleagues active in the field of catalysis.
    The documents to be presented to the Expert Committee should include:
    - a comprehensive justification of the proposal
    - the curriculum vitae/professional career of the nominee, and
    - a list of publications and patents.
  8. The decision of the Expert Committee is final. The Expert Committee may suggest or decide that nominations received be re-submitted.
  9. The Prize shall be awarded in a public ceremony.
  10. The award of the Alwin Mittasch Prize will be published in appropriate national and international journals and daily newspapers.
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