The DECHEMA Polytechnic Awards are presented anually for the best diploma, master's and bachelor's theses in Technical Chemistry and Biotechnology at polytechnics and comprehensive universities.
The assessment criteria are: the conversion of basic engineering theory into industrial applications, experimental skill and the interpretation of results. The award is worth Euro 500. This Prize has been awarded since 1990; the decision lies with the Administrative Committee of the Foundation. Professors have the right to make recommendations.
The Prizewinners of 2010 are:
Thorsten Jamrath, Beuth Hochschule für Technik, (Master's Thesis)
Gewinnung von Hydrolasen aus Abfällen der Lebensmittelindustrie
Nico Andreas, Beuth Hochschule für Technik (Master's Thesis)
Untersuchung der Regulation der Zytokinproduktion von IL-5 in Th2-Lymphozyten
Mario Gloeck, Hochschule Esslingen (Diploma Thesis)
Development of a cortisol ELISA to study stress response in zebrafish
Robert Krahofer, Hochschule Fresenius (Diploma Thesis)
Mass spectrometric study of organosilyl derivatized compounds of biological interest