DECHEMA FORUM - a new conference type for more interaction and networking!
One topic, two days, valuable contacts – that is what the DECHEMA FORUM is all about. During the conference highly-topical, application-relevant subjects will be reviewed, discussed and rated from different perspectives: How can the chemical, pharmaceutical and life sciences industries arrange their production more sustainable?
There are many visions such as hydrogen economy, circular economy or waste-free production for a sustainable industrial future. But what is already applicable today? How do we deal with climate change and resource scarcity? How can processes be developed and scaled more efficiently, and what tools are available for this? And what can industries learn from each other?
Lectures, discussions, workshops and a company exhibition will ensure that not only all aspects are considered, but also provide inspiration and ideas for new solutions. Young scientists will not only find plenty of information here, but will also have the opportunity to build their first networks beyond their own areas of expertise and establish contacts with potential employers.
" Wissenschaft und Industrie im Dialog" (Science and Industry in Dialogue) will jointly find new, practical solutions to the major challenges – join us and be part of it! The conference language of DECHEMA Forum is German, but the presenting language for all lectures/ posters will be english. Please note that some workshops/ practical sessions and discussions might be in German language.
Poster contributions can be submitted by 31st of May at the latest. The major topics for the call of papers are "Coping with resource scarcity", "Development of sustainable processes", "Development of the hydrogen economy" and "Digital transformation".
The organising committee cordially invites you to submit abstracts for presentations and posters for the conference programme. We look forward to receiving your contributions from research institutions, universities and industry. Tandem presentations by developers and users are particularly welcome.
Please note that the paper submission tool is only available in German. The selection of the contributions will be based on the review of the abstracts by the scientific committee.
Accepted abstracts will be published for all conference participants in a book of abstracts (PDF file).
The congress language is English.
Please note: Registration fee cannot be waived for authors.
A1: CO2 capture, storage, and utilization (CCU)
A2: Supply chains
A3: Circular economy / Recycling
A4: Sustainable raw materials
A5: Sustainable new products: requirements for production processes
A6: Comprehensive approaches: sector coupling / synergies/ infrastructure
B1: Sustainable biotechnological, chemical and pharmaceutical processes
B2: Process efficiency
B3: Energy efficiency
B4: High-temperature processes for low-CO2 production
B5: Modularization in the process industry
B6: Process monitoring and control
B7: Process safety
B8: Shortened development times
C1: Production and import of H2
C2: Transportation & storage of H2
C3: Utilization of H2
D1: Big Data
D2: Modelling
D3: Smart (Bio)process analytics
D4: Ontology (system characterization)
We like to thank the DECHEMA Fachsektionen and Fachgruppen Bioprozesstechnik, Chemische Reaktionstechnik, Fluiddynamik und Trenntechnik, Hochtemperaturtechnik, Industriewasser, Klebtechnik, Medizinische Biotechnologie, Mess- und Sensortechnik, PAAT, Partikeltechnik und Produktdesign, Prozess- und Anlagensicherheit, Thermische Energiespeicherung und Zellkulturtechnologie for their support in determing the topics.
Als Teilnehmerin haben Sie die Möglickeit zahlreiche Firmen als potentielle Arbeitgeber oder Partner kennenzulernen.
Die folgenden Firmen nehmen am (Job) Speed-Dating teil: Evonik, Cytiva, Fraunhofer Allianz-Chemie, Heraeus Precious Metals, SAMSON, thyssenkrupp Uhde und hte.
Profitieren Sie von den Erfahrungen und Tipps zu Karrieremöglichkeiten von Vertretern aus Industrie, Akademia und eines Start-Ups.
Erfahrungsbericht zur Karriere an der Hochschule: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gregor D. Wehinger, Leiter Institut für Chemische Verfahrenstechnik, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Erfahrungsbericht zum Karriereeinstieg in der Industrie: Silvie Müller, Merck Life Science KGaA, Process Engineering
Erfahrungsbericht zur Grüdung eines Start-ups: Dr-Ing. Jonas Schulz, Geschäftsführer & Co-Gründer, Inline Process Solutions GmbH
Knüpfen Sie in der Ausstellung neue Kontakte zu Firmen und vertiefen Sie erste Gespräche. Vor Ort finden Sie Ansprechpartner von den folgenden Firmen: Evonik, Cytiva, Fraunhofer Allianz-Chemie, Heraeus Precious Metals, SAMSON, thyssenkrupp Uhde und hte.
Further information on the venue/ accommodation, committee, programme etc is displayed on the German Conference page.
We are looking forward for your contribution.
Image source: Adobe Stock/Sakorn Sukkasemsakorn