Information for Authors
Please note: Registration fee cannot be waived for authors. Please use the online registration.
If you are unable to present your lecture for any reason, please let us know as soon as possible.
Conference Language
The official language of the conference is English. Simultaneous translation will be not available.
Introduction to the audience/CV
A brief CV questionary enables the appropriate chairperson to introduce all lecturers to the audience. Therefore, lecturers are asked to download the CV form and to return it to the conference office until 21 February 2025.
Technical Information
The ideal format for the presentation is 16:9. A notebook and a wireless presenter will be provided. Please bring your presentation slides as PowerPoint or PDF-File on a USB stick.
In case that you need internet /special software for your presentation or if you have videos included into your file, please notify us in advance.
Lectures/Oral Presentations
Each lecture is planned for a duration of 15 minutes plus 5 minutes for discussion. Strict timekeeping will be essential for the smooth running of the conference. We suggest to use a minimum font size of 24 pt for your presentation slides.
A poster board will be available for each poster, with the poster number attached. We will provide you with adhesive tape for attaching the posters. We would ask you to take care to remove the adhesive tape from the wall when removing the posters.
Due to space limitations, posters will be divided into 2 groups and displayed on site for a limited time only.
Please check the poster programme to find out your poster number and in which poster group you have been assigned.
The posters can be attached as follows:
Poster Group A from Wednesday, 12 March 2025, 12:00 h until Thursday, 13 March 2025, 09:00 h
Poster Group B from Thursday, 13 March 2025, 09:30 h until Friday, 14 March 2025, 13:30 h
The Poster Party for Group A will be on Wednesday, 12 March 2025 from 18:30 h – 20:30 h and the Poster Party for Group B will be on Thursday, 13 March 2025 from 12:30 h – 14:30 h.
The authors are requested to be present at their poster(s) for discussion during the poster party.
Preparation of a Poster (Printed)
As a major guideline it is proposed to make the poster intelligible in itself, even in the absence of the author. It is suggested to divide the content of each poster into introduction, results and conclusion, with a summary listing the pertinent results and conclusion.
Standard size for posters is 0.85 x 1.2 m (DIN A0 German Standard) vertically oriented.
To ensure that the text is still legible from a distance of 2-3 m, the main text should be written in font size 25-30 pt, marginal information can be slightly smaller with font size 20-25 pt. The title of a poster must be readable from a distance of approx. 5 m (100-200 pt). Subtitles and headings in the text can be written in 50 pt font.
Preparation of ePoster
You have the opportunity to present your poster as an ePoster again this year. The ePoster is only accessible online for participants who have registered for the event.
Please prepare a pdf file of your poster with the following attributes.
- Page Format: A0 portrait
- High Quality
- Embedded Fonts
- file should not exceed 8 MB
You can upload your ePoster via the event website.
Log in on the above page on the right with your username and your password.
In the overview, click on Paper submission-> View submitted contributions.
There you click on your contribution and select "Action" and then "Upload presentation". Now you can upload your ePoster as a PDF.