
GeCatS Infoday "From Flow Chemistry to Continuous Processes: New Alternatives for Chemical Production on Laboratory and Ton Scale"

9 December 2025
DECHEMA-Haus, Frankfurt am Main

Commercially viable and economically attractive production through advanced production technology is a key challenge in the industrial context. Continuous Processes are and have been an effective approach in chemical synthesis for many decades due to their apparent technical advantages of controlled residence times, reduced back-mixing and defined concentration regimes of reagents, intensified heat transfer and their versatility when performing two- and three-phase reactions, particularly when catalysts are present. The developments of the last decades have widened the perspective of the field, in particular by the technical elements of micro-reactors and the community-wide adoption of “flow-chemistry” for lab- and sub-pilot scale synthesis in industry and academia. Additional perspectives come into play when alternative approaches for energy input are applied like in electro-, plasma-, or photochemistry and -catalysis. The field of automation adds another perspective to the topic, opening further dimensions. Modularization and standardization of such technical elements along a continuous production line can significantly reduce the adaptation barriers, lower the investment costs and therefore accelerate the scale-up and implementation of new resource efficient chemicals production or new innovative catalyst production approaches.

Join the catalysis community at the GeCatS Infoday 2025 to discuss current trends and developments with a special focus on applications, as well as development needs and future applications. With a series of invited lectures and two poster sessions, we invite you to an intense exchange of ideas and thoughts.


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Image source: Dr. Marek Checinski (AI generated)

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