H2Giga PhD students: Visit of the H-TEC SYSTEMS Stack Manufacturing & Development Center in Hamburg

9 am – 3 pm

17 October 2024

The H-TEC SYSTEMS Stack Manufacturing & Development Centre will have its opening ceremony at the end of September. The construction of the automated factory is part of the H2Giga project PEP.IN. To mark the occasion, a special programme for the H2Giga PhD students on 17. October 2024 will be offered. This will include a factory tour, expert talks and of course networking opportunities.

Further information, e.g. agenda, will follow shortly. Please note that depending on your place of residence/ where you live, it may be necessary for you to book one hotel night. A list of hotels can be found below.

A non-disclosure agreement must be signed in order to participate.

The photos taken during the event will be used for public relations purposes afterwards.

Please register for the event until 17. September 2024. As the number of participants is limited, we recommend an early registration. By registering, you automatically confirm the conditions of participation.



Ulrike Möllmert
Telephone: +49 (0)69 7564- 542

Dr. Simone Rogg
Telephone: +49 (0)69 7564-392

Venue & Accommodation

More information:  Venue & Accommodation 

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