4th International Symposium on Multiscale Multiphase Process Engineering (MMPE)

Sponsors & Exhibitors

With sincere thanks to our sponsors:


Eurotechnica GmbH is specialized in high pressure fluid technology. Laboratory service comprises fluid properties and tests on material compatabilities at extreme operating conditions of up to 150 MPa and a wide variety of fluids including, CO2, H2, CH4 and H2S. Next to tailorized high-pressure equipment, Eurotechnica is specialized in supercritical fluid technology, view cells for investigating phase behaviour. Based on in-house testing, high-pressure processes are engineered and built. Eurotechnica is constantly involved in R&E and holds an ISO9001 certification for process development, manufacturing of laboratory equipment and material testing.


M-Star CFD is a software focused on computational modeling of fluid flow, heat transfer, species transport, chemical reactions, particle transport, and rigid-body dynamics within engineering and biological systems. By pairing modern algorithms (LBM) with graphical processing card (GPU) architectures, this software enables users to quickly perform calculations with predictive fidelity that rivals physical experiment. These outcomes are achieved using a simple graphical interface that requires minimal user specification and setup times.


Tech4Imaging is a world leader in 3D multiphase flow imaging and instrumentation. Through its patented Electrical Capacitance Volume tomography (ECVT), it provides 3D phase distribution, velocimetry, and mass flow measurements. Our advanced line of multiphase flow solutions is a set of custom configured imaging and monitoring tools designed primarily to assist in understanding complex multiphase process flows. Applications include bubble columns, trickle beds, fluidized beds, moving beds, and other various combinations of gas, solid, and liquid flows.



Über uns
Seit der Gründung im Jahr 1989 ist LaVision der führende Anbieter von Laser Imaging Systemen in den Bereichen Strömungsmechanik (Aerodynamik, Mikrofluidik), Verbrennung (Automobil, Energieerzeugung) sowie Spray- und Partikeldiagnostik (Motoren, Pharma). Aufgrund ihrer nicht-intrusiven Natur bieten die optischen Instrumente von LaVision einzigartige Möglichkeiten für Multiparametermessungen mit hoher räumlicher und zeitlicher Auflösung, die in namhaften F&E-Laboren auf der ganzen Welt eingesetzt werden.

About us
Since its foundation in 1989 LaVision is the leading supplier of laser imaging systems in top selling application fields like fluid mechanics (aerodynamics, microfluidics), combustion (automotive, power generation) as well as spray and particle diagnostics (engines, pharma). Due to their non-intrusive nature LaVision’s optical instruments offer unique capabilities for multi-parameter measurements with high spatial and temporal resolution used in well-known R&D labs all over the world.


Siemens Digital Industries Software fördert die Transformation von Unternehmen auf ihrem Weg in Richtung „Digital Enterprise“, in dem Engineering, Fertigung und Elektronikdesign bereits heute den Anforderungen der Zukunft entsprechen. Das Xcelerator-Portfolio hilft Unternehmen jeder Größe bei der Entwicklung und Nutzung digitaler Zwillinge, die ihnen neue Einblicke, Möglichkeiten und Automatisierungsgrade bieten, um Innovationen voranzutreiben. Weitere Informationen zu den Produkten und Services von Siemens Digital Industries Software finden Sie unter oder folgen Sie uns auf LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook und Instagram.

Siemens Digital Industries Software – Where today meets tomorrow.


SOPAT is an expert in inline particle measurements. It develops and markets an image-based, photo-optical measurement and analysis tool that enables real time, quantitative characterization of particulates in multiphase systems. In combination with the hardware, SOPAT software provides real time analysis of particle size distribution. SOPAT allows the early detection of trends and efficient process optimization, resulting in cost reductions in both time and personnel, increasing product quality.

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