The aim of the Process and Plant Safety Section is to evaluate findings, support and assess developments in safety technology and pass on experience. As a professional discussion forum, it offers members the opportunity to make contacts, help shape standards and norms and further develop the global safety status of the German chemical industry.
The planning, construction and proper operation of chemical plants are major challenges that the chemical industry faces time and time again. The modification, servicing and maintenance of a plant are part of a process. Before commissioning a plant, the experts draw up a safety concept that includes the necessary protective measures. The aim is to identify and assess the risks and find suitable measures to minimize incidents. New developments in the field of technology can make a significant contribution here if they have proven to be sufficiently reliable/valid.
The training courses, conferences and events in this area provide the necessary knowledge for the planning and operation of chemical plants and inform about current changes in legislation.
The specialist section cooperates with international organizations such as the European Process Safety Center (EPSC).
Ansprechpartner der Fachsektion
Dipl.-Ing. Christoph Thust,
Evonik Operations GmbH, Marl
Stellv. Vorsitz
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Schmidt,
CSE Center of Safety Excellence
gGmbH, Pfinztal
Wiss. Betreuung Dr. Maike Andresen |
Tel: 069 7564 562 |
Orga. Betreuung Sabine Urbanczyk |
Tel: 069 7564 295 |