Annual Meeting of Process Engineering and Materials Technology

11 - 12 November 2024
DECHEMA-Haus, Frankfurt am Main

The Annual Meeting of DECHEMA/VDI Division „Process Engineering and Materials Technology (PAAT/WKL)“ will take place from 11 - 12 November, 2024 at DECHEMA Haus in Frankfurt am Main.

POster Submission

Submission of Posters will be possible until 30 September 2024.

Process Engineering and Materials Technology of our Future:

Interdisciplinary topics such as climate-friendly and sustainable production, electrification, CO2 and H2 management are developments that will determine process and materials engineering in the present and future. Other key topics as digital technologies in engineering, plant construction and operation, trends in process development and process technology as well as latest developments in plant construction and operation will also be the focus of the Annual Meeting 2024. Trends in materials and apparatus technology will also be covered.


Paper Submission & Topics

Venue and Accommodation

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